Page 16 of Love Notes

“You trying to screw me to death?”

“Oh, okay, then I’ll stop.” She turned away in a huff.

Edward laughed. “I didn’t say I minded. If I had a choice on a way to go, you know what line I’d be in. The long ass line with every other man.”

She turned around and faced him again. They kissed as their bodies slid against each other in the water, and she lay on top of him. The water was getting warmer from the heat rising between them. Their kisses went from romantic pecks to lip-locking infernos of passion. Small splashes of water fell to the floor as their bodies moved in the tub.

“Mmm.” Ami smiled and straddled Edward in the small tub. Her breasts swept over the leftover bubbles in the water. With a growl she grabbed his cock and began to stroke it with her palm.

“My God, you look and feel incredible.”

They began kissing again, Edward’s hands washing water up her back and over her hot

skin. All Ami could think of was the pleasure she felt holding Edward in the water. She was encased in this watery cocoon, stroking Edward with more vigor and passion. The water splashed out of the tub to the floor as waves began to sway back and forth with her motions.

Edward groaned and closed his eyes. His head fell back onto the towel resting behind it like a pillow.

“Oh fuck.”

Ami let go and slid over him in the water. His hands grasped her breasts ever so gently, squeezing them every time she lowered down onto his rigid cock. The water washed up Edward’s chest then splashed between them. He reached his hand down her back grabbing her ass.

Ami looked down and took Edward’s face in her hands. Her emotions and feelings were overwhelming. All she could think of was how good this man made her feel.

Ami caught a flash of a deeper feeling than she expected from someone she hadn’t known for very long. She saw love in his eyes.

“You wanna go, um, you know?” he asked.

She leaned forward, kissed his forehead then pulled his face to her breasts. “Mmm, sometimes a quickie is all we need.”

“You are such a brat.”

The next day flew by. Edward and Ami stayed around the house helping Ellen and Fred do their chores. For Ami it was a reminder of her small town childhood helping her mom around the house.

The day turned to night, and they were both tired from a long day’s work.

Edward awoke from the loud noise of his own snore. He barely regained consciousness when he heard the faint sound of music in the air. He looked around the room noticing Ami was gone. He fumbled around in the darkness looking for his underwear or pajama pants.

He found a pair of pajamas, but they had comic book heroes on them. His mom still saw him as a little boy for some reason. Here he was trying to look manly and cool to a woman while wearing Spiderman pajama pants. Of course, after all the sex they’d had it would explain the sticky stuff.

He opened the bedroom door and promptly whacked his big toe on the edge of the bedroom dresser as he tried to leave the room. Edward bit his lip and did all he could to not scream and cry like a baby.

Limping down the hallway toward the music echoing through the house he stopped at the end of the hall.

He was stunned to see Ami sitting nude at the small piano his mother kept in the living room. It had been a long time since he had heard something so beautiful coming from it.

He could only stand like a statue watching her. She sat, eyes closed, humming as she played some beautiful music. She seemed at peace, and Edward was afraid to interrupt what was clearly a magical moment for her. The moonlight shone on her body and face making her glow. Her skin glistened from the light, and her silhouette swayed in a smooth flow of movement. The outline of Ami reminded Edward of an angel.

Looking at the open top of the piano, Edward caught his reflection. He saw a man who was happy, a man enjoying feelings for this wondrous creature before him. His heart pounded hard and for a single moment he felt at ease—finally the weight of so many things were lifted off of his heart. He was falling for Ami.

But he didn’t deserve this bliss.

The guilt, the pain, the remorse all crashed back upon him while he heard Ami play. Turning away from her he felt the tears begin, and quietly went back to his room.

Sitting on the edge of the bed Edward replayed the memory of the burden he carried and cried. Life was so unfair. To have one thing taken from you that was so precious and pure, and then to find another that may fill the void ripped from your soul, only to know it would be gone soon too.

The door opened slowly, and Ami came into the room. “Edward? Are you all right? Why are you crying?”

“I’m not crying.” His macho ego refused to admit it, and he sniffed. “I’m just…nothing. I’m just thinking.”