Page 9 of Love Notes

“I can see that…” He smiled as their meals arrived. “…vividly.”

They sat and ate, still chatting about music, and Edward’s brain focused on the image of her being naked a few more times. He was a typical guy, flirting on a typical date with a typical girl. Everything was perfect.

When the check came Edward reached for it.

“No, I got this one,” Ami said.

“I insist. You probably always pay for everything. You can get the next one,” he said with a grin. He had hopes they would go out again because he hadn’t had a date in a long time and this one was working out so well. Being a little out of the dating circle he wasn’t sure if it was date three or four to ask for a hand-job or some serious making out.

He pulled his wallet out and saw someone next to him. He looked up and saw a metal smile glittering beside their table.

A little girl with braces stared at Ami. “She’s Ami huh? You know, from that band, Haunted? I recognize her from the CD, even without the colored streaks in her hair.”

Glancing up he saw Ami shrugging at the little girl. “Pssst, c’mere. I’m kinda staying here to write some new music and don’t want people to know about it. If you keep this our little secret, I’ll sign a CD especially for you. What’s your name?”

“Taylor. Wow. Thanks, that would be great.”

Ami rummaged through her bag and pulled out a CD. After signing it she gave it to the girl and held her little hand, smiling. It seemed odd for Ami to be so in touch with someone obviously out of her demographic of fans and yet she was at ease with this young girl.

Edward grinned as the little girl, and Ami talked. Ami was really in her element, but there was no pressure here, no crowds, no flashing cameras. She was just sharing a part of herself with someone.

Chapter Four

They left the restaurant, and Ami wanted to walk down the street. It was still early, and she needed to enjoy this normal feeling and keep the mood around for a while.

“What do you do for a living?” Ami asked as she held onto his arm.

“I work for my dad at the almond ranch. I’m the foreman and oversee that the almonds packaging and shipping, stuff like that. I will probably take over for him someday. I know most of the business-side from college anyway.” He paused and put his arm around Ami’s waist. “It’s boring stuff.”

“Not to me. Everyone I meet usually wants something. A record deal, a number of an agent or producer. It gets crazy. Everyone thinks they can have a piece of what the band and I have struggled and worked for. The guys in the band are great. They have families and stuff. I just…”

Loud music thumped from a corner nightclub, and it caught Ami’s ear.

“Hey, let’s go to that club. Come on, I haven’t been to a club without handlers and bodyguards in fucking years. What d’ya think?”

Entering the club, they found themselves swamped—it was vibrantly alive and radiated energy. The lights flashed and popped. This was Ami’s element, and she loved it. They went to the bar, and Edward ordered drinks from the busy female bartender. She ran around like a constipated Chihuahua and made a lot of tip money from the look of the full tip bottle beside the register.

He got two beers, and they sat watching the club throb with the heartbeat of modern music and dancing.

“Dance with me, Edward,” Ami yelled to him amongst the noise.

“What?” he said, hand by his ear.

“Dance with me.”

“Uhh, I’m not the dancing type.” Ami waved her hand at him and slid into the small crowd, dancing with a couple of the girls in the center. Edward watched as she closed her eyes and became part of the music. She swayed and shook with the rhythm, and the other girls rubbed against her. She looked beautiful, and Edward licked his lips as he imagined himself being an Edward sandwich between Ami and the two girls she was dancing with.

Ami was in her own zone. He was getting a glimpse of her being taken in by the music. She looked like she enjoyed the music and dancing with the girls. It was very sensual and exciting. Especially for him.

Ami enjoyed how music released the tensions in her mind and soul. When done right, music was an expression of feelings and emotions. This was her reason for being a singer, to express her own words to others. A poet with a venue. Lately the music and purity her band shared was being stained by the pressures to conform to other styles. The joy of just dancing with these other girls was expression, and she relished it.

With her eyes closed she suddenly felt something a little awkward. Either one of the girls had a growth where her pussy should be or someone was poking around her ass.

Ami quickly turned and looked to see some guy dancing behind her and gyrating like a bad Elvis impersonator. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Hey, baby, don’t be such a tease. You and those girls were pretty hot. I was just trying to get into some of the action.”

She looked for Edward to get this complete loser away from her. The other girls turned and walked away, raising their hands to wave off the idiot. Ami turned to leave, and the guy grabbed her arm.