Page 3 of Love Notes

“No…I don’t want to go back.” She was confused and disoriented but knew she needed to leave. “Do you know who I am?”

“Yes, I was at the show. I left late to avoid the traffic.”

Ami’s mind wavered. “What’s your name?”


“Edward, please get me out of here. I’ll pay you whatever you want. Just get me the fuck away from here.” Her eyes stung with tears, and she began to cry. “Please, just take me away…” As the heaviness of her life crushed down on her and the alcohol hit hard, she passed out.

Edward quickly grabbed her limp body and picked her up in his arms. She nuzzled close and curled into him. He felt like he was in a scene from a movie as he held his damsel in distress. Now if he had a bed handy, he could lay her down to sleep…or something.

Driving down the highway, Edward had a hard time believing what had happened. The woman of his dreams was asleep in the passenger seat next to him. If he didn’t need both hands for driving, he’d have pinched himself just to make sure this was all real.

He was with the woman he’d had sex with so many times before. Each time it had been amazing too.

Of course when masturbating with a washcloth and shampoo, all sex was great. He’d memorized every song lyric she had written after hearing her sing something that touched his heart and etched itself on his soul.

Her voice soothed him and fantasizing about that body gave him images to satisfy his “happy time”. She had helped him without ever knowing him and now she was…

The blast of a horn and a gust of wind woke Ami from her deep sleep. Her head wobbled as she looked around. “Where are we?”

“We’re about two hours away from the show.” Edward looked over at her. “You passed out.”

He smiled and tried to think of things to say so she wouldn’t be scared or freaked out to be in his car, but she actually appeared calm.

Ami put her hand to her face and closed her eyes. “Fuck, my head hurts and I’m starving. Do you have anything I can eat?”

“Nothing really good,” Edward replied.

“Well my head is throbbing, but at least there’s no flashing lights or that damn ringing in my ears from the amplifiers. My brain must be repaying me for abusing it. All I know is that I have an empty stomach and I need to pee.”

“Well, I’ve got some fast food I picked up before the show. I ate the hamburger, but the fries are in the bag there by your feet. We can stop in a little bit. There are some food places further on up the highway.” He motioned forward then got a sniff of the food in the bag and his own stomach rumbled. “I’ll take a couple fries. I’m a little hungry too.”

Ami leaned over and picked up the bag. She opened it and took a whiff of the contents. “I’ll pass,” she said while crumpling up the bag of stale-smelling food.

“There’s a truck stop a few miles ahead. It’s quiet, and they have really good food. Do you want me to stop there?”

“Yes, please. Fuck, I need something to eat and drink.” She tugged at her stockings, which were rumpled and twisted from sitting in the car. “Don’t suppose you have any extra clothes, do you? I need to get out of this gear. This fucking thong is riding up my ass, and my shirt is wet and itches. Damn, I must smell and look like shit.”

“I think I have a couple of things in a little travel bag behind my seat. I usually keep a few extra clothes for beach trips or long drives.”

Ami climbed awkwardly into the backseat and mooned Edward on the way over. He got a nice look at her ass and the small tattoo of a heart on the right cheek.

Edward tried to be a gentleman, but having a sexy woman changing in the back of his car was a hard temptation to resist.

Wow, she has nice tits.

She peeled off the layers of clothing and he watched her in the rearview mirror, feeling a sudden urge to pull over and help her out of her clothes. It was the least he could do, right? He quickly shook off the thoughts and forced his concentration back to driving since he was swerving wildly in his lane. A pair of oncoming headlights on the opposite side of the road really helped him get his focus back.

His jeans threatened to rip at the crotch when he glanced back again and stifled a groan as she slid her black thong off her feet and flung it into the front seat. Edward was torn between grabbing it and taking a healthy sniff of her feminine scent or ignoring it. Would it be gross if he stuffed the crotch in his mouth and sucked on the fabric? Yes, that actually would be disgusting. What if he had them backward? His thoughts were now freaking him out.

A blaring horn jerked him back into the real world, and Ami flopped around in the back seat. He almost cut off the car in the lane next to him when he swerved back into his lane. The other driver flipped him off as he passed.

Didn’t the asshole know he had a seminude rock singer in the backseat? Edward thought for a second, What the hell am I doing in the front if I have a sexy babe in the backseat unclothed?

Ami plopped back next to him. “Well I found this T-shirt and a pair of camouflage shorts. It’s ironic that I’m wearing camouflage since I’ve got to go commando on the underwear.”

The thought made Edward bite his lip. A little voice from between his legs whispered, “Commando? I think we need to do a special reconnaissance mission over the area.”