Page 5 of Love Song

Should I wake her? he thought.

Should I fuck her? his penis thought.

Maybe I should wake her, then fuck her, they both chimed in.

She looked absolutely peaceful. Her body gently rose and fell as she breathed in her sleep. With a smile, Edward backed out of the room to give her more time to rest. Besides, he couldn't just stand there staring at her.

Fifteen minutes later he turned away to walk out.

Ami rolled over and smacked her lips together as if she'd been eating and was now on her back.

Edward f

roze, his mind racing.

On either side of his mind, he saw the evil Edward and the angelic Edward.

"No you can't look. You're a gentleman,” the angel said.

The devil piped in, “Don't be gay. You might finally get a snatch shot. It's been a long time since you looked at some real pussy. Magazines and porno movies don't count. Except that movie with the midget woman and the buffalo. That was whack!"

"That wasn't whack, that was just wrong. Besides, Edward, if you look now, you won't have anything to look forward to later."

Edward thought for a moment and decided he would be respectful. Pausing he gazed at the mirror above the dresser. He bit his lip, thanking the heavens for this gift. He saw Ami in all her glory lying half-naked on the bed, his bed. Her curves, her bare pussy, the erotic nature of her body all exposed to his gaze.

He smiled and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Now he felt the urge to rush to the bathroom and shake hands with his little one-eyed wonder worm.

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Chapter Three

The next morning Ami woke up and stumbled down the hallway, her hair a matted mess and the baggy shirt hanging loose over her small frame. She yawned and scratched under her breasts as she walked into the kitchen. On the small table was a note.

Have a few errands to run. Be back soon,


Ami rubbed her eyes. She couldn't remember the last time she slept that good. She decided to peek around a little. Not to be nosey but just look around a bit to get the lay of the house.

There were photos on the wall of a couple with a few kids. She assumed it was Edward's parents and the family. Beside them was a photo of Edward with a pretty woman at a park or something. Smiling, Ami saw that they looked happy.

She didn't see any kid's toys or anything like that so she figured there weren't any around. She found the little kitchenette area and a coffeemaker. “Thank God."

She made a small pot of coffee and grabbed a small laptop computer she saw resting on an end table. Hopefully, they have the Internet.

Ami sat with her legs pulled against her chest sipping a cup of coffee. The sun shone through the kitchen window across the table. Warmth crept through the room, and Ami sighed with pleasure.

As she opened the computer and did a little surfing she saw a small flashing icon at the bottom. It was a pop-up.

Clicking it, she found herself at a porn site.

"Aha, somebody has been naughty."

Edward must have still been logged on because it read, “Welcome back Eddie Z".

She browsed around a little and laughed at the photos and streaming porn.

"What do men see in all this ... Holy shit! That guy is deformed.” She sat up a little to get a better look. “That can't be ... I guess it is."