Page 21 of Love Song

The tiny hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, and he sat up straight, aware someone was watching him. He turned around to see a woman standing in the wide entryway of the bar, backlit from the bright lights coming from the hallway of the hotel, her curvaceous figure silhouetted perfectly for his perusal. He cocked his head, appreciating her voluptuous form, wishing he could make out her face. He waited, anticipation filling his gut and he damn near prayed she would walk inside the bar.

She finally did, taking tentative steps, the skirt of her pale gold dress swirling around her feet as she entered the dark room. He recognized her immediately.

The hot little piece who had caught his eye when he performed at the reception. The one who had stood in the corner and watched him with wide eyes the entire time he sang. The bridesmaid. There'd only been two and Brittney had told him all three of them had won the lottery along with her.

She could work.

Her gaze scanned the room slowly, chewing nervously on her lower lip as she came closer to the bar. Just the sight of those even white teeth nibbling on the lush fullness of her pink lower lip had his mind conjuring all kinds of images. All of them dirty, all of them sure to shock the shit out of this chick. She had a regal way about her, reminding him vaguely of an ice princess. The tilt of her chin, the almost haughty expression on her face, the way she walked with perfect posture and graceful movements.

Tanner wondered what she would do if he propositioned her, whispered in her ear that he wanted to fuck her brains out.

Hell, he was in a mood. Not only did he want to get laid, but he also wanted to do it in every dirty nasty way imaginable. Little Miss Prim and Proper would put a lockdown on her panties if she had any clue as to what he was thinking about.

Maybe she wouldn't work.

She finally ended up at the bar, a few seats away from him and she sat, pulling up at her skirts as she did. It didn't help, he noticed. The bodice of her strapless dress slipped, revealing the delicate pale lace of her bra for the briefest second before she yanked it back up. She glanced around, her gaze meeting his and her eyes widened in shock. She had caught him watching every moment.

He smiled at her and she looked away, her cheeks flushing a deep pink. The bartender ignored her when she tried to gain her attention with a wave of her hand and her shoulders slumped. Resting her hand on the countertop, she looked utterly defeated.

Tanner cleared his throat when the bartender approached and she smiled at him, the look on her face flirtatious. “You ignored her."

"Who?” Her eyes widened and she glanced up and down the bar. “Oh, you mean her? I'll get to her in a minute. I thought you might need something."

He certainly didn't need her. “I want you to go over there and take her order. And tell her it's on me."

The bartender nodded, the light dimming in her eyes. Maybe she realized he wasn't interested. Damn right. “Of course, Mr. Robinson."

She walked over to the bridesmaid, pointing a finger at Tanner halfway through her spiel. When the bartender turned away to prepare her drink, the bridesmaid glanced in his direction, a tentative smile on her lips. He smiled back, and she looked away, her cheeks pink again.

Tanner grabbed his drink and slid off the stool, walking slowly to

wards her. She didn't notice, too busy gathering her drink from the now-jealous bartender who glared at him as he approached.

She sipped from her drink, her lips wrapped around the skinny red straw, and he knew without a doubt that she was the one who could help him ease his troubles tonight.

Now if only she would be willing.

He sat on the stool next to her and she literally jumped, turned her startled dark brown gaze upon him, her lips still attached to the straw. She gulped loudly and set the glass down with a thump, a nervous smile on her face.

"Thank you.” She waved at the glass. “For my drink. You didn't have to do that."

"You're welcome.” He tilted his head towards her, wondered what made this woman so damn nervous. Most of the women he encountered fawned over him but didn't necessarily act nervous. No, they were more the type who knew what they wanted and went right for it.

A free night in the sack with the famous singer, that's what they always wanted.

He grimaced. Fuck, when did his life get so pointless? So empty?

She must have noticed his grimace because she frowned, even looked ready to hop off her stool. “I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone."

Without thinking, he rested his hand on her forearm to prevent her from leaving. The tips of his fingers sizzled at the contact, sending a jolt of awareness throughout his entire body. She appeared affected as well, gooseflesh blossoming on her skin beneath his touch.

"Don't go,” he murmured. “Stay with me, just for a few minutes."

She settled herself on the stool and he removed his hand reluctantly.

"Did you enjoy it?"

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