Page 14 of Love Song

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Chapter Six

Edward staggered down the small hallway, clasping his balls in his hand and yawning. Pausing by the mirror hanging on the wall he blinked, “What a night.” He mumbled to himself. His hair resembled trees after a windstorm. He was not a pretty sight. He stared at the coffee machine, waiting for it to make coffee by itself.

"Fuck, I need to make coffee. I must have slept a whole thirty minutes last night.” He grabbed the coffee from the cupboard above the sink, scooped in some fresh grounds and added water to the container.

"Man I hope I didn't screw up last night.” He snickered. “Well I did screw in a lot of ways.” As he stood there laughing he grabbed his balls again. “Ouch, I feel like I may have pulled a groin muscle or something."

For the next few minutes he continued to talk to himself as he made the caffeine-cure for tiredness, doing what men do regularly. Like someone other than their penis is listening.

"Who are you talking to?” Ami walked into the kitchen wearing one of Edward's oversized T-shirts and nothing underneath. She reached under the back of it revealing her bare ass while scratching her lower back.

"Can I have a cock—I mean a cup?” Obviously not functioning mentally yet either, Ami sat at the table and yawned.

"I think you had that last night,” Edward said with an evil grin.

"Typical man. Yes I did. And—to stroke that male ego—it was wonderful.” She paused. “Now give me some fucking coffee."

He placed a steaming cup of liquid wake-up in front of her. Ami took a few sips along with a deep cleansing breath.

"I just want to be honest here, Edward. It's not like me to stay with a man after ... well, after a night."

"I understand. You probably have men throwing themselves at you all the time."

"Yeah, but I don't fuck them. I haven't been with a man in almost a year. The last guy was one of our road crew. We were together for two years. Contrary to what the media says, I'm sooo not a rock-goddess-heartbreaking-slut. That's why Ben left. He couldn't handle everything he heard and read. It's a goddamn hard life, you know, when everyone wants a piece of you. It gets to the point where nobody is real anymore."

"Ami ... listen to me. I don't want anything from you. Yes, it's really a fantasy come true that I met someone I've spent hours thinking about. Hours in dimly lit bathrooms with a magazine in one hand and something else in the other, but there are no ulterior motives for me. Last night? That was real. It was fucking incredible and it was real. I have to realize that it was just two people being together in a wonderful way and not read anything else into it. Whatever happens, happens."

She looked up from her coffee and into his eyes. He was being honest with her, and she could see it. “Okay. So now what?"

He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. “You wanna take a bath?"

She grinned back. “Sure, but brush your teeth first. Your breath smells like a dead skunk."

The water had cooled and Ami reached her foot forward, turning the small knob to add some hot water to the bath. She let her toes plug the nozzle as the water spilled out.

"Quit doing that—you'll make a mess.” Edward reached around her in the tub.

With her foot, she shut the faucet off after the water got warmer.

"You're rather gifted with those feet of yours."

"Well, I have other parts that are pretty limber too."

"Uh yeah, I've noticed."

The water caressed their skin, and Ami leaned back into Edward. This felt right to her. No pressure to do anything. In the back of her head she knew this calm would end, but for now she would soak it up.

Ami grinned as Edward's soapy hands washed her in all the right places. His fingers just happened to stay on her breasts for a longer time than on other places. “I'm pretty sure my nip

ples are clean now, Edward."

"You can never be too sure."

"I can also tell that something else is in the water now. It feels like the Loch Ness monster maybe.” She reached her hand back and grasped the monster.

"I think you found him."