Page 10 of Love Song

In spite of fumbling with keys and a massive boner, Edward got the door open and climbed in. Ami quickly followed.

Rapid and short breaths, little gasps for air between long wet kisses with tongues dancing in each other's mouths and Edward moaned.

"Oh shit it's been a long, long time."

Keeping her hand pressed against his chest, she opened her eyes and stared into the deep tranquility of his. “I haven't been with a man in a long time, Edward, but you ... you just touch me in so many ways.” She sighed as Edward reached out and caressed her breasts. Her dress clung to her body and her nipples hardened beneath the fabric. This was one way she liked being touched.

The windows fogged up. The two of them were moaning and acting like sex-crazed kids at a drive in movie.

"You know, this reminds me of prom night,” he said, taking in a deep breath. “I want you so bad but not like this. I just can't, not like this, just ... Let's just wait."

With a smile Ami kissed Edward again, then climbed awkwardly off him, hitting the horn with her elbow, and plopped down in the other seat. “Uh, your first time was at the prom?"

"No, but I had the worst case of blue balls ever that night. No matter how hard I tried she wouldn't give it up."

"Um, Edward? How does this remind you of prom night?"

"Same car. Same case of premature ejaculation."

"Oh my God. You are ... You are such a guy."

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Chapter Five

For the second night in a row Edward was a gentleman instead of being the man he wanted to be. He should have followed up the hot and heavy play in the car but instead let Ami sleep and didn't do anything.

He could have, but hearing his dad cussing in the barn and calling his truck names even he hadn't heard before kinda ruined the mood. After three hours of getting greasy and dirty changing a carburetor, he wasn't too presentable.

After a quick shower he peeked in on Ami and she was so beautiful half-naked in the bed. Thank God for the soft breeze blowing into the room. It made her nipples tight, and his fingers ached to feel them.

Just a little touch.

No, stop it. She's sleeping.

Why do I have to have a conscience talking to me?

If it was up to me I'd jump her, the familiar voice between his legs piped into the mental conversation.

Another visual aid was etched in his brain for future alone times.

Ami sat in the kitchen, alone with her thoughts. Edward had left her another note saying he left early and let her sleep. So she sat in the morning sun relaxing and goofing around on her websites and answering a few emails. No pressure. Nothing except a hot cup of coffee along with fresh air.

There was a small vase with a couple of roses like the ones outside the back door on the small table. Everything was becoming cliché. Big time girl runs away to small town and falls for almond farmer and they live happily ever after and she has eight kids and gets fat and loses some teeth and her former existence is wiped away under the rug.

Knock, knock, knock. “Anybody here?” A soft voice came from the slowly opening kitchen door. “Edward? Ami?"

"Come on in, Ellen,” Ami answered.

"Oh hello. I saw the door open and figured I'd see how you were doing."

"You want some coffee? I actually made it myself. Thank God for instant coffee.” Ami poured an extra cup, and the two women sat at the small table.

"I guess you don't have to make too much coffee yourself."

The quick chat turned into a nice morning gabfest with the women talking about shopping, the economy, music, their families and, of course, men.

"How long have you been a singer?"