Page 26 of Strange Lust II

Jim grabbed the banana from the scattered fruit across the table and tried to concentrate on what he was doing as Nancy sucked hungrily on the length of his shaft. He leaned over to lick her pussy and get it ready for the new toy. Nancy moaned as the tip entered her. She made a desperate attempt to cry out with Jim filling her mouth. The vibrations shot through his balls and staggered him.

As Jim slid the banana deeper into Nancy, her hands contorted and her fingers flexed. The insanely intense pleasure from the firmness and the bend of the banana pressed directly against her G-spot caused her to almost split apart. She let Jim go from her mouth and moaned deeply as she felt herself orgasm. As her feet dug in the tabletop, her lower torso elevated off it as if she were floating. She shook as Jim peeled the skin from the banana, spreading her lips wider, which caused her to lose control. She fell to the table and climaxed again from the increased pressure on her clit.

Feeling rather proud of himself, Jim was on all fours above her and he pulled the banana the rest of the way out and began to eat it, when he felt the warmth of a mouth caressing his penis.

Nancy slowly stroked him with her lips as he hung above her blindfolded head. She couldn't touch him with anything but her mouth. So she embraced the feel of his cock within the sanctity of her in her lips. She took more of him in her mouth savoring, the taste of his pre-ejaculate.

Jim's knees weakened as he slowly made love to her mouth. He closed his eyes and leaned down to kiss the wet lips beneath him. Her pussy was warm and sweet to his mouth.

She squirmed and continued to suck on him. She sucked hard on the tip, almost daring him to pull it out.

His own desires to release were becoming desperate and he felt the primal urge to fuck. Jim was crazed as he pulled up out of her mouth. He jumped off the table and rushed to her legs. He dragged her toward him, stretching her arms higher above her head. Nancy felt faint from the pain as he spread her legs apart, holding an ankle in each hand. Her pain faded to bliss as his cock found her pussy.

As he felt her wrap around him, he was like a jackhammer slamming harder and deeper into her. His demeanor had changed and he was almost violent in his fury. The way he had control of her and how she made him crazy with desire lit a bonfire in him. He was sweating and his neck tightened and he came inside of her. Like a dam breaking loose from built up pressure, he poured his essence into her again and again.

When Jim caught his breath he pulled out and rested his cock on her pelvis. It dripped the inner essence from their sex as it moved. Jim lay on top of her and felt her heart beat with his.

Nancy's hands were aching from being tied and she had bruises from the lace. Jim reached up to untie her hands. Seeing the bruises, he kissed her wrists gently. The bruises were a reminder of his deep desire for her. She unleashed passions in him that had been pent-up. He loosened the blindfold and stared into her eyes.

When she looked up she saw the camera on the tripod. Looking confused, she asked him, “What's that for?”

“Well, I wanted to record us and watch it some other time. After this, I see it was a good idea,” he said as he laughed.

A few weeks passed. They planned to have another night together and got everything for the kids to stay at grandma's again. They scurried the kids out with all their necessities and Jim tried to rush back home so they could watch their movie.

Nancy had cooked some fish for dinner and had a bottle of wine chilled. They sat in front of the TV to watch it while eating and the movie started to their anticipation. After the opening scene started they looked at each other in shock. “What the fuck is this?” Jim yelled. “This is Veggie Tales? This is the kids movie, how did this get…Oh my God!”

As Nancy reached for the phone, it rang. She answered it and her mom talked slowly to her and said, “The kids had wanted to see their Veggie Tales tape. Instead of the children learning about the food groups, I had to explain how mommy eats with her pussy.”

* * * * *

The Long Nights, Part 3

Melissa spent the next few weeks—after discovering Tony and Kayla had been watching her too—working long hours. She had little time or energy for herself. Her Friday was a day from hell and she was beat up by the day's tensions, so she went to the corner bar to have a little dinner and unwind. She sat alone in the corner booth and ate and looked out the window, watching people pass. She took a small sipfrom her Strawberry Daiquiri and closed her eyes, savoring the quiet and the cold smooth flow of the drink.

She felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and looked over to see a man's crotch. Looking up the body, she saw Tony's face. Awkwardly she smiled and said, “Hello Tony.”

“I didn't know you knew my name. I've seen you many times and in many ways but I don't know yours.” He smiled as he sat down in the booth with her.

“My name is Melissa,” she said, feeling nervous and once again excited by this chance meeting. They talked and both of them laughed at the situation and how watching each other made them feel aroused.

Tony was a handsome, muscular man and had a very powerful confidence that drew Melissa in. She explained to him that she had worked hard to get to where she was. She told him that she hadn't had a relationship in a long time and was somewhat jealous of his and Kayla's.

Tony told her that they were a very open couple. They loved each other but wouldn't confine each other. Sex to them was for pleasure and sharing it with her and knowing she watched them made it better. They were both exhibitionists, so it fulfilled a need for them.

Their talk made Melissa a little aroused. In fact, she remembered seeing Tony naked and she became very aroused. Her squirming didn't go unnoticed by Tony, so as he ordered another drink he set his hand on Melissa's knee. Her leg was warm to the touch. When she didn't pull her leg away from his hand, Tony pulled his hand away and got out his wallet to pay for the drinks. Then he put his hand on her leg again only higher up on her thigh.

She looked into Tony's deep brown eyes and desperately longed to kiss him. But she wouldn't cross that line.

As he sucked down his bourbon, his hand slid up Melissa's thigh and rested against her underwear. She didn't refuse his advances. In fact, her eyes glazed over and she parted her legs wider as his fingers outlined the labia of her wet pussy. She held the edge of the table and bit her lip to keep from moaning; his finger tugged her underwear to the side and his fingertips slipped along the ridges of her lips. Watching Melissa's pleasure flash across her face, Tony slid his finger inside of her tight opening, then looked into her eyes deeply and leaned in and kissed her.

Melissa closed her eyes and enjoyed the little shocks of pleasure she felt from Tony's fingers probing into her. She felt a passion she hadn't known in a long time. Undeniable lust and new, strange emotions washed over her body. His gentle assault on her pussy made her almost beg for more.

At an almost climactic moment Tony stopped and said, “Check please.”

Melissa tried to compose herself as they both left the bar. She was very anxious and her desire was becoming a blazing need.

“Would you like to come up?” Tony asked.