Page 19 of Strange Lust II

“Happy to see me?” she smiled.

With a snarling growl, Paul burped and replied, “I’m waiting for Mona,” then pulled a large wad of dollar bills out of his pocket reducing the bulge.

The music thumped through the onlookers' bodies as they drooled uncontrollably at the dancers. Paul glanced at his watch and knew it was her time to perform. He pushed and stumbled to the front table, wanting to be close. He was always her most enthusiastic fan. He had been in the club a few times before and one night caught Mona’s show. Since then he had been a regular patron whenever she performed.

The lights dimmed to a spotlight and the slow groove of Madonna's “Take A Bow” pulsed out of the speakers. The stage was dark and empty except for the spotlight. Mona eased her arm out from behind the curtain. Her white full-length gloves covered her skin and she pulled them off, revealing her blood red fingernails. She exposed her leg all the way to her smooth thigh then stepped out onto the stage. She was wearing a white thong, white stiletto shoes and a black silk wrap around her body. Paul smiled wide as his Venus looked upon him. The chatter quieted as the other men caught a glimpse of this vision of unbridled passion.

To Paul, she was his. She was his angel. She never expected anything from him except admiration. That and a few bucks to let him nuzzle between her large, full, real breasts. Even though most men become attached to strippers after a lap dance or two, he didn't want it to be something cheap or perverse. He was truly smitten with Mona. He never crossed the line, even though he had thought of asking her for a private dance. He respected her and her artful way of dancing. Mona had become his ultimate fantasy. She was all he ever wanted in a woman and more. He had followed her to all the local amateur nights in the airport district strip clubs.

A trickle of drool ran down to his chin. Her body seemed to flow like a wave as she moved across the stage. Everything was fluid. It was as if she floated across the stage on a breeze. Every time she turned, the wrap would reveal a little more of her perfectly tanned body. She saw Paul and smiled wickedly and winked at him.

The wrap fell a little more, revealing her large natural breasts. The men all smiled as she looked nastily at them. She grasped her breasts and licked each nipple, teasing their minds. She walked up to the wanton men and pressed her large breasts around their faces. One by one she pulled the dollar bills clenched between their teeth.

Paul jerked at his pants trying to get his money out as she pranced around the stage, giving the men a good look at her breasts and letting them nuzzle between them. Paul, feeling excited, pulled out a handful of ones, when she came over to him. Mona giggled and had him slip the money in her thong and nuzzled his little head between her huge breasts, letting him breathe her perfumed body in. She gently kissed his forehead and smiled.

Paul was in heaven.

The wrap was almost completely off and the crowd wanted to see more. Mona bent over giving everyone a clear shot of her ass and the tightening of her thong against her wet lips. A loud moan came from the crowd as her glory was revealed. She threw her hair back and shimmied daringly, pulling her thong down her legs and over her heels. She gyrated and rubbed the fabric between her legs.

Mona licked her lips and smiled as she walked over to Paul and handed him her underwear in exchange for a 20 dollar bill. Paul closed his eyes and put the panties over his face to breathe her passion scent in. His pants almost ripped loose at the crotch at the smell of her. When she bent over in front of him showing her pussy, Paul lost it.

He stood and knocked his drink over with his stiffened cock. He could feel his pants sticky and wet against his crotch, as he leaned forward and buried his face in her muff. His tongue darted out and licked deeply inside of her. In shock Mona stood up grasping his face between her butt-cheeks. Paul grabbed her hips and frantically pulled back. Mona’s high heels tangled with her wrap. She lost her balance and all 462 pounds of her wobbled, fell off the creaking stage and crashed onto the floor atop Paul's head. Paul’s neck snapped from the force of the fall and his head got wedged into Mona’s anus.

It took three men to pull his head out of her ass.

When the EMT's arrived, they found Paul lying face up with a smile on his face and covered in feces.

“Oh My GOD!” shouted a paramedic, “that's the Congressman! Where's my camera?!?!?”

The front page of the next day’s Enquirer had his picture plastered on the cover with the caption “Congressman finally pulls head out of ass at local strip-club.”

* * * * *

The Hangover

Nicole's head pounded loudly and she rolled over in the bed. The constant throb of a hangover was obvious. She wanted to keep her eyes closed against the light and never open them. Instead she rummaged through the clothing thrown across the floor trying to find her underwear.

Last night was a blur. She tried desperately to remember what happened but it just became fuzzier. Her last memory was the beautiful wedding and reception at the Hilton. She had a vague image of dancing and talking at the bar with a guy. Her best friend had gotten married and she had been a bridesmaid, again. The old cliché, “Always the bridesmaid never the bride” fit her perfectly. She had been a little down

about that.

Nicole squinted, trying to keep her head from pounding. She wasn't sure where she was but could see clothing lying over the chair and her gown hanging up on the closet door. A light shone from under the bathroom door and the sound of the shower echoed in the background.

She sat up, wobbling dizzily from the evening’s leftover spins. Her eyes began to adjust to the dim light and she looked around the room trying to focus on things. She noticed a strange discomfort as she sat on the edge of the bed. Her ass hurt a little and she suddenly thought why. She vaguely remembered having her face buried in the bed and engaging in anal pleasures. She glanced at the floor and saw a pair of boxers and four glow in the dark condom wrappers. She grinned at the wetness between her legs. Too bad she didn't remember anything!

Her mind started spinning as she put her head in her hands. Feeling nauseated, she sat on the edge of the bed again.

Nicole felt the strain of her bladder—she needed to pee. She stood up and staggered towards the bathroom. Tripping over champagne bottles and flowers, she barely kept her balance and had to use the walls of the hallway to support her.

The bathroom was brightly lit. Nicole squinted as she opened the door and slowly wobbled in.

The steam from the shower helped to clear her head a little. She sat on the toilet farting loudly. The steady release from her bladder made her sigh as she tinkled. “Ahhhhhhhhh!” Nicole trembled as a chill of relief swept through her.

“Is that you, hon?” she heard a female’s voice from the shower.

Her stomach quivered and she let out an abrupt hissing fart that burned her sore anus. With that, she sobered up abruptly, wondering what the hell had happened.

“Don't flush dear, I'm almost done here. Unless you want to join me?” the voice giggled.