Page 6 of Strange Lust II

Everyone called them a perfect match.

Now it was all over. His trust was shattered by a single moment of passion.

His heart broken, he decided to end this now. He furiously kicked in the gate. Charging into the yard, he spotted the water-hose and turned it full blast on Brandy and her stud.

Brandy looked up shocked and tried desperately to get away. Her partner growled, angrily glaring at Norm. With a loud “POP” they parted, and he leapt at Norm.

Norm turned the hose full force on the big, black Labrador. The dog yelped and scurried out the gate drenched, and Norm turned to look for Brandy.

As he turned the hose off he saw Brandy hiding under the patio table. He walked up and looked deeply into her dark brown eyes. His heart melted and he forgave her. “I can't stay mad at you girl,” he said.

Norm patted her on the head and said, “Damn girl, I didn’t know you were in heat. You're a purebred. Tomorrow we’re going to the breeder to get you bred!”

* * * * *

The Knight in Distress

The brave knight looked across the meadow. In the distance he saw a castle. His quest was almost a reality, and he didn't even know it. It was said that he would taste the forbidden fruit of passion on his 21st birthday. It would be the fruit of a princess and he would marry her after a fortnight.He had waited and waited to fulfill this quest, he had dreamt and fantasized about it, and now it was finally upon him. But since the sheep ran away from him now, he hadn’t had the practice he so desperately needed.

As the knight approached the castle he saw a patch of wildflowers and decided to pull some for the princess. He knelt to pick the flowers and breathed in their scent.

“Ewww, these smell like shit!” he exclaimed. Then, he looked over and saw his steed plopping a load of horse droppings next to him. He chuckled and stood up only to see a tree limb hit him square in the face.

After the cobwebs cleared and his face stopped bleeding, he saw a vision.

“Am I in heaven?” he asked the beautiful young woman over him.

“NO! You have picked flowers from the royal garden, and for that you shall pay!” With that she picked the tree branch up again and hit him in the nuts.

After blacking out from the pain he came to again, sore and speaking in a higher voice. He saw the lovely maiden standing over him again, so he quickly covered his balls with his hands as a reflex action.

“Fair Maiden, I will not let you abuse me thusly. I am Sir Fredrick and I have come here to fulfill my destiny.”

She bowed her head, greeting him. He saw a crown upon her head and knew she was the princess he had journeyed far to find.

Fredrick groveled for quite a while to apologize. Then he explained his situation to the Princess. She was very taken with his candor. He too found her very appealing and she had a nice ass also, but that was just an observation…She had nice breasts too.

The day went on as they walked through the courtyard and talked. Time was of no concern as the two of them seemed to be made for each other. They held hands and laughed. It was a perfect time and a perfect day.

The afternoon turned to evening and Fredrick grabbed the princess’ arm, pulling her to him and kissed her softly. After slapping him sternly, she grabbed him and kissed him back. Their embrace was erotic but fumbling as both of them were inexperienced in the courtship rituals. Yet they knew they were destined to be together.

As they got back to the castle, the princess, whose name was Eden placed his hand on her heart and said, “This is where you are and belong.” She then put his hand on her pubis and said, “This is where I want you tonight.” Taking his hand in hers, she led him down a long darkened hallway quietly to the door of a bedroom chamber.

The chamber was dark and extremely large, lit only by the moonlit night sky through floor to ceiling windows. A canopy bed, draped in red silk, beckoned from the center of a long wall covered in picturesque tapestries. The pillow covered mattress seemed inviting and warm.

Eden led him to her enormous bed. He stood before her seeing in her the fulfillment of his journey. She was truly a vision of beauty to behold. She beckoned him to kneel before her. He got down on one knee and watched in wonderment as she unwound the ribbon in her hair and let her hair fall beyond her shoulders and to her waist. She shook her head and her hair rippled like rivers of woven silk. He cast his eyes down, burning as if he had looked into the eyes of an angel sent from heaven. She took his face in her hand and smiled, looking longingly into his eyes, wanting his complete attention focused on her.

Eden’s fingers trembled as she tried to unfasten her dress. Fredrick stood up and moved next to her. He grasped her trembling hand in his and kissed each knuckle as if it were her knees and licked the soft skin between them as if it were the softness between her thighs. He moved behind her on the bed. As he unbuttoned the back of her dress, Eden's breath quickened and she closed her eyes, lost in the moment. Every button freed her soul from the cage it was in. Soon her passions would be freed and she would become a woman.

Fredrick grasped the top of the dress and moved it away from her shoulder, pressed his lips against her soft skin. Eden shivered at the brush of his lips against her bare skin, as he slid the dress off her arms. As he kissed her neck Fredrick breathed in the fragrance of her purity and was almost overwhelmed (either that or his pants were cutting off circulation to his John Thomas).

She stood facing away from him and let her dress fall to the floor. To his amazement, she turned around and revealed her beauty to him. Her breasts were small, pert and flushed. The small, tightened nipples stood out and her hair cascaded along the lines of her body. And lower was a small pair of silken white underwear drenched with lust.

The slightest hint of her blond pubic hair was visible, and as Fredrick touched the area above her panty line, her tummy flinched. Fredrick kissed her firm tummy and felt her heart pulse hard and rapid. His hands trembled as he reached around and pulled her underwear down her ass. She moved her legs back and forth making them fall to her feet.

Now he understood where the saying “Garden of Eden” had come from. This was a sight of unparalleled beauty and a place where temptation seemed to take over common sense.

Eden put her hand on the top of his head