Page 22 of Strange Lust II

“Tonight is a special night, babe, and nothing is going to ruin my bliss with you. Let's go upstairs and get naked.”

“OOOH, how romantic.” She laughed as they hurried to the elevator. It was broken, so they had to use the stairs and got winded by running up them in the rush. When Rupert twisted his ankle slipping on some spilled beer on the stairs, Delilah had to carry him to the room.

No amount of money had been spared for their night of unbridled passion. The room was very dimly lit by candles on both nightstands and the neon MOTEL 6 sign that flashed outside their room. There was a roll of quarters by the candle for the bed vibrator. The red and blue flannel sheets were pulled back, beckoning these two lovebirds to enter.

On each side of the bed were their nightclothes. She planned to wear a red camisole with black lace on the edges, a red garter belt with black stockings and a sapphire blue silk robe. His attire was a pair of white satin boxers with “Home of the Whopper” inscribed on the front and a Hugh Hefner style green robe. Love clothes, to say the least.

“Rupert, I want to take a shower and get ready. I have a little surprise for you…”

“Anything you want Delilah, schnookums.”

Zip, snap, drop, rustle, rustle. Rupert was ready to rock.

“Where's my Old Spice, babe? Oh, nevermind, where's the stupid remote control? Let's see what's on the tube. Cool, a porno channel!”

While Rupert was watching Blond Beach Bimbos Door To Door Dildo Salesgirls, Delilah got herself ready for a night of unbridled sex.

The shower had relaxed Delilah some. She slowly dried herself off and slipped into the camisole. After tucking, pulling and sucking in her stomach, she squeezed her large breasts into the nightwear. She looked over into the mirror and caught a glimpse of herself. When putting on her ruby red lipstick, she noticed there were no wrinkles under her eyes. She felt her face and the skin was still soft. She slowly started caressing the rest of her body with her hands. She still had firm breasts that only sagged a bit from having three kids breastfeeding from them. Her hips hadn't widened too much, in fact hardly at all compared to most women that have had kids. She turned around to see her ass and even that still had a nice shape to it.

The years have been pretty good to me, she thought.

Basically, she was rather proud of her looks. Except of course for her size 12 feet.

She slipped on her new robe, turned off the light and stepped into the room. Rupert's eyes were transfixed…on the TV.

“Hey Stud, what do you think?”


“No, me! Not the TV. How do I look?”

“Oh, that's nice dear,” Rupert said distractedly.

Not to be deprived of the attention she deserved, Delilah stepped in front of the TV and stared at Rupert.

“Babe, you look absolutely incredible.” He winked and smiled devilishly, “Please turn around so I can see everything.”

Delilah felt very sexy and playful because this was something he hadn't said to her in years. She turned around slowly and had her back to him while she wiggled out of her robe.

“WOW, you are so damn hot! Now bend over a little and spread your legs apart.”

“RUPERT!” she said shocked and a little mischievously.

Delilah faced away from Rupert and closed her eyes bending over. The tightness of the camisole pulled the fabric taut against her pussy. She felt that deep warmth creep through her and she pulled her hands up her torso and grasped her breasts. “Just a little more…” Rupert whispered. Delilah bent over a bit more giving him a full view of her ass.

“Yes, that's perfect! Now I can work the remote control!” he said as he changed the volume.

“I can't believe you! We come over here for us and you sit here watching porno movies!” Delilah turned her head to the side and leaned over a little further stretching the fabric tighter still on her moist pussy, looking at the movie.“GOOD LORD, look at the size of that thing!!!!” She stood there watching a petite blonde, no bigger then 100 pounds take a monstrous member in…all 12 inches of it. Wincing, Delilah stepped back next to Rupert.

Delilah, still being a little upset, hopped on the bed. She noticed Rupert was sporting a woody and really paying attention to the movie.

“Rupert, does this stuff really turn you on? More than I do?”

“No way! Babe, you are an incredibly attractive woman. You're sensual, sexy, extremely pretty and my best friend. Sometimes watching something like this is just to get my creative juices flowing and with the kids around we couldn't have something like this at the house. Besides there are some things that you wouldn't do to your best friend.”

They both stared at the screen watching the ELEPHANT man (or whatever his nickname was). He had the little blonde straddling him and riding on his cock like a bull rider.

“Rupert, would you like to do some of those things with me?” Delilah asked worrying he'd be shocked or scared to ask her.