Page 12 of Tangled Up in You

Kayla smiled, “Not all men.”

“What did you say to that officer?”

“Rodney? I told him I wanted to file a report for domestic abuse. He was going to grab you but I told him it was for Kirsten. He was very concerned and did the right thing. It’s been so long since I saw him. He certainly turned out okay.”

“Wait, you know the cop?”

“Uh, duh. Rodney Washington? Linebacker for our school? Was All American at Nevada State? Played in the NFL. I swear you guys know all the stats and numbers for the players but never pay attention to the details. Like how big and strong and handsome they are. We dated a couple of times. He was such a gentle man.” She sighed. “Soooo gentle, mmm.”

Seth’s mouth had flopped open like a stunned fish. “Wait, that was the Rodney Washington? You dated Rodney Washington? He had nine sacks his rookie year. Eleven the next. Would have been in the Hall of Fame but got his knee torn up in the playoffs.”

“I think I’ve made my point. By the way, he said Dominic would be getting a little payback in jail. I guess Rodney had to break up a bar fight earlier with some of his old teammates and they’re all in the same cell, drunk and pissed off.”

She knew she was smirking. And she could see Seth’s lips curve into exactly the same sort of smile.

“Gotta love justice,” he commented.

A Few Months Later:

SETH STEPPED OUT OF the shower. He was still dripping wet because he forgot to put a clean towel out for himself. He found a washrag and dried the necessities. Hanging it on his boner made him feel macho. It also lo

oked ridiculous.

He had been serenading Kayla, who slept in the bedroom, with his awesome version of Somebody To Love by Queen. It sounded great in the shower, and at times he felt he’d missed his calling to be a singer. The cats meowing and dogs howling just jealous.

Things were good now. He had full custody of Hannah and Kirsten had moved back East after meeting another man. She had done right by Hannah, and accepted that being with her father was the best thing for her. She still got alimony from him, and she was still a bitch, but that wasn’t important. Hannah was.

Kayla had left the cottage behind the Benson’s house and moved into Seth’s place. She had her own room that she never slept in because of Seth’s tendencies toward being a sex maniac, but it turned out to be a great small office for her to do work and relax.

He looked into the mirror and smiled. This reflection before him—it was finally making sense.

“Hey babe, why don’t you come back to bed?” Kayla called from the bedroom. “I have a little surprise for you.”

Seth put on his robe and decided he was going to do his best Hugh Hefner impersonation.

Opening the door, he struck a GQ pose against the door jamb. Kayla was under the covers. Then a little head popped up next to her.

“Hello, daddy...”

Life starts now.

If you’re interested in some of S.L. Carpenter’s other books, here’s a sneak peek at one of his most popular stories.

Letting You In

S.L. Carpenter

Content © S.L. Carpenter 2019


Aaron lay in the ruffled bed and watched Alesha dress. She fastened her bra and turned it around, then slipped her arms through the straps. With a jiggle and some adjustments with her hands she got it settled. He found himself admiring the way she had to put herself back together to feel normal, yet never complained. All the preening and fuss over her hair, make-up and the smallest details—like making sure her skirt fell smoothly over her hips and legs.

“I don’t know why you bother so much, you’re beautiful.” Aaron was being honest in his comment.

With a grin she turned to him. “You must be trying to get a bigger tip.”

“No, just telling you what I see.”