Page 10 of Tangled Up in You

“I have to get to the hospital. Hannah was with Kirsten and there was an accident.”

She shook his arm. “I’m coming with you, let’s go. I’ll drive. You can’t be behind the wheel right now.”

SHE PULLED UP IN FRONT of the hospital and Seth jumped out of the car almost as soon as she’d parked it. He rushed into the Emergency room, desperately looking around for help. He ran to the desk nurse and let her know who he was.

Kayla saw a policeman standing close by and blinked as she recognized him. His hair was cut close to his head now, there may be a few extra pounds, but she knew him right away. She introduced herself and they both smiled back at each other then she asked if he was here about the accident to Kirsten and Hannah.

Seth walked over to them, his face still deathly pale, his eyes fixed on hers. “The nurse said Hannah was okay. She was buckled up in her booster seat when the car slid into a truck. She was shaken up and hit her head but she’s okay. She’s going to be okay.”

“That’s great news, Seth. Look, Officer Washington was first officer on the scene. He needs to talk to you.”

“Are you Hannah Gaines father?” The tall man turned to Seth.

“Yes, I’m Seth Gaines. Can you tell me what happened?”

“It seems the little girl’s mother and her boyfriend had gotten into an argument and she was driving away from their house. She had to slow for a light and he rear ended her, pushing her into t-boning their car against the side of a truck coming through the intersection.”

Kirsten emerged into the Emergency room area, with Dominic just behind her talking on his cellphone. She had a bandage on one side of her head and a brace around her neck.

“Seth, Hannah is okay. They’re

taking a couple of x-rays to make sure she doesn’t have a concussion.”

He held up his hand to stop her. “I don’t want to hear or even see you, right now, Kirsten. I am far too pissed off at you and Twiddledick.”

Her lip curled into a sneer. “I see you brought your old flame Kayla with you. What happened, you poor thing, did you run back home to mommy?”

Kirsten was being the same snarky bitch she remembered back in the day. Given the circumstances, Kayla didn’t want to cause a scene so she bit down on the dozen nasty things she wanted to say. “I see you haven’t changed Kirsten. I’m here for Seth and your daughter. Not you.”

Dominic walked closer as he got off his phone. “Hey man, I’m so sorry. We got in an argument and...”

“You get the fuck away from me before I put you in a room here. Because of you my daughter got hurt and right now I’m pissed off and ready to beat the shit out of someone. Especially you. Get the fuck out of here.” Seth was seething with anger and worry. As usual Kirsten was the cause of all the stress in his life. She was also the one person that he couldn’t control because he was afraid she could still take away the only thing in his life that mattered more than himself. His little Hannah.

“I’m so tired of dealing with all the drama you bring to me. If I could, I’d take Hannah and walk away from you forever. You use her to get money from me. I pay for your house, your fucking drinking and this dickhead.” Seth gritted his teeth, almost beside himself with anger.

“Who are you calling a dickhead? Fuck you, Seth.” Dominic stood up to Seth, perhaps not realizing how close he was to getting his ass kicked.

“Be careful Dominic. I’m not a woman you can smack around. I fight back.”

Kayla could feel the volcano of hate, fear and anger about to erupt. She looked over at Kirsten as she sat on one of the waiting room chairs. She wore shorts and as she crossed her legs, Kayla noticed the shadows of bruises on one leg beneath the hem. She had seen those types of bruises before. Evan never hit her face, but he had been really rough, bruising her more than a few times when they were together. She recognized those marks for what they were.

“Seth, let’s go over here for a minute. We need to calm down. Look at me, honey.” She took his chin in her hand. “Look at me”

Seth looked at her, his eyes dark with rage and worry.

“This isn’t the time, Seth. Think of Hannah—you are here for Hannah. Getting in a fight and doing something silly won’t help her. Okay?” She hugged Seth and felt him breathe deep. “They have some coffee over there so grab a cup and calm down. I’ll be right back.”

Seth nodded and did as he was bid, knowing she was right. He watched as Kayla walked over to the cop who had his back to them, filling out his report. As he sipped his coffee he saw Kayla talking to the officer and pointing at Kirsten. The guy listened, then nodded and then walked over to Kirsten and Dominic.

Seth crossed the room back toward them to see what was going on.

“I need you to come with me ma’am. It will only take a moment.” The cop stood in front of Kirsten.

Dominic took Kirsten’s arm. “She’s not going anywhere. What’s all this about?”

“Sir, I just need to talk to the lady for a few moments about the accident. I’ll only ask you once to let her go.” Being at least six-foot-three, and built like a truck, the cop had no trouble taking control of the situation.

They went into an empty office, but Seth could see them through the window. As the officer and Kirsten talked she became visibly upset, bursting into tears. The cop did his best to calm her down.