Page 66 of Taming the Beast

“We never go into the city,” said Duncan with an air of finality that suggested the topic was closed.

She wanted to ask more, but she didn’t dare from their suddenly serious expressions. She wondered how they could manage to avoid going into the city completely, but their postures made it clear they wouldn’t entertain questions about that.

She searched for another

topic of conversation, but drew a blank. It was a relief when Nick asked about her progress in the library, and she was able to relax in her seat. As she was talking to them about organizing their first-edition collection, she abruptly realized Duncan’s hand was still on her leg, having moved higher up her thigh, and he was twirling strands of her hair around his other hand. Her mouth went dry, and she stopped speaking in the middle of her sentence. Her throat was too dry and made it impossible to speak.

She barely stifled a moan when Nick put his hand on her other thigh. Baylee was certain she wasn’t imagining the changed atmosphere around her, and she didn’t think she was reading the wrong thing into their intentions. It felt like they were trying to seduce her, and she was honest enough with herself to admit they wouldn’t have to try very hard.

A surge of disappointment filled her when instead of continuing, they both withdrew and stood up. Looking regretful, Duncan said, “Our break is over.”

She licked her lips and cleared her throat. “Yes, mine too. I need to get back to the books.”

As they departed, she watched them leave and continued to stare at the door for a couple of moments after it had closed behind them. Eventually, she returned to the ladder and the books she had been sorting, but this time, she couldn’t lose herself in the task. She still went through the motions and performed her job, but her thoughts were focused heavily on her employers rather than the books she was being paid to restore to proper order.

Chapter 2

Three days passed before she knew it, and it was almost a surprise to realize time had flown by. She was enjoying the assignment, but she was enjoying her employers’ presence even more. They were funny and charming, and they were treating her like a friend rather than an employee.

That wasn’t entirely true though. They were treating her as more than a friend. With their casual touches and obvious flirtation, she’d grown convinced either one of them would have been happy to take her as a lover. She could have taken either one of them as well, but she couldn’t bring herself to choose, so she couldn’t find any bravery that would allow her to move forward.

So they were in limbo, somewhere between friends and lovers and it left her frustrated. She was certain that was why she couldn’t seem to fall asleep, though she’d been tossing and turning in an attempt to do so for the last few hours. Finally, with a disgusted sigh, she shoved back the blankets and stood up out of bed.

The stone floor was chilly under her feet, and she slid her feet into the slippers waiting for her. Deciding warm milk or a cup of hot cocoa might be what she needed to put herself to sleep, she slipped from her room. As she made her way down the stairs, she recalled there was a bar in the library, cleverly hidden in a large globe. She’d discovered it yesterday, and she was certain she had seen brandy among the bottles. Perhaps a nip of that added to her cocoa would be just the thing to help her sleep.

Either that, or about twelve orgasms, but since that seemed unlikely, she’d have to settle for an adult hot cocoa.

She stumbled to a halt when she reached the kitchen, palm on the swinging door that she didn’t push. The sound of her name had made her freeze, and her eyes widened when she realized they were discussing her. It was surprising to find them awake this early in the morning, or late, depending on one’s perspective, but it was downright shocking to hear the gist of their conversation.

“I don’t know how much longer I can wait,” said Duncan.

Nick groaned. “I understand. She’s just perfect, curves in all the right places, and that mouth…” He groaned again.

“I keep imagining it wrapped around my dick,” said Duncan, his voice a rough rasp. “I hope Baylee gets over her shyness soon.”

She flinched at the sound of her name. Of course she’d assumed they were talking about her, since they had just spoken her name a moment before, but hearing the confirmation was completely different. Her heart rate accelerated, and she grew slick between her thighs.

“She smells so good, and I bet her pussy is as sweet and juicy as she is.”

That part of her anatomy pulsed in response to his words, and she eyed the kitchen door uncertainly before glancing reflexively at the nearest window. It was a few minutes past dawn, and light was overtaking the shadows rapidly. She had spent most of the night unable to sleep and tossing and turning fitfully due to her desire for the two men on the other side of the door.

From their conversation, it was obvious they didn’t mind sharing her, and the only thing separating her from them was a piece of wood and her own uncertainty. She could do the smart thing, which was turn around and go back to her room and try to forget that she’d overheard their conversation, or she could do what was probably the wrong thing, but felt right. She could push open the door, step into the kitchen, and take what she wanted. She was certain they would give it freely.

“It’s torture having to wait,” said Duncan.

It was the perfect moment, and she surrendered to instincts, doing her best to block any fear or uncertainty as she pressed her palm against the swinging door and pushed it open. “You don’t have to wait any longer, if you don’t want to.”

They were both clearly startled, but recovered quickly. With a speed that made her head spin, they were out of their seats at the kitchen table, closing in on her in a flash. She was still aware enough to notice neither one of them wore any clothes, and she frowned. “Why are you naked?”

“We were out for a run,” said Nick.

“In the middle of the night with no clothes?”

“Clothing only gets in the way of freedom,” said Duncan as he reached her. He put his arm around her waist, and Nick mimicked the motion from her other side a second later. She forgot about the questions in her head. Everything disappeared except for the two men holding her.

She trembled in their embrace even as her arms moved to their waists, embracing them both against her.

“Are you cold?” asked Nick.