Page 39 of Taming the Beast

“Let’s go get my life back,” he said, holding her hand.

Bella smiled and drove them both back to civilization.



“Thank you, Doctor Wright,” the young father said, squeezing Logan in a tight bear hug. “Thank you so much.”

Logan took a deep breath as he hugged the relieved father back. He had just come out of surgery with the man’s three-year-old child and gave him the good news: his child would walk again.

The cute little girl was in for three rough months of rehab but that didn’t matter. She would get her legs back and that was the most important thing.

“You’re a Godsend,” the mother said, clasping her hands together as tears rolled down her cheeks. “A real blessing.”

Logan swallowed hard and nodded. He was never good in these situations and he seemed to be in them a lot.


After returning from the woods with Bella, he got his old job back at St. Mary’s Hospital, picking up right where he had left off. Before long, he had a long list of patients waiting for his expertise. The sick children traveled with their parents from all over the country and from others as well to be treated by him. He had operated on a little boy from Australia the week before and he had a girl from Sweden scheduled for surgery tomorrow.

Logan didn’t care where they were from. If he could help them, he would.

“It was nice to meet you folks,” Logan said, giving the thrilled parents one last smile before leaving. “Take care of Ashley.”

“We will,” the father said, hugging his wife. “Thanks again, Doctor.”

Logan sighed as he went to the employee locker room to shower up and get ready. He had a hot date with a curvy grad student.

He rushed down the stairs, taking three at a time, to the front of the hospital where she was waiting, looking spectacular as usual. Bella was leaning on the brick wall with a sexy smirk on her face as she watched him approach.

“Paging, Doctor Dreamy,” she said, biting her bottom lip.

He smiled. “Ready to have some fun?” he asked.

“I am,” she said, stepping on her toes to give him a kiss on the lips. “Are we going to play doctor?”

He grinned. “Are you ready for your examination?”

“Maybe after a bottle of wine,” she said with her cheeks blushing. “Where do you want to go?”

Logan took her hand in his as they walked away from the hospital.

“I picked the restaurant last time,” she said, skipping along beside him. “It’s your turn.”

“Au Noir,” he said, grinning as a wide smile broke out across her face. It was her favorite restaurant.

“It’s on me,” Bella said with her chin in the air. “We’re celebrating.”

Logan glanced over at her. “Celebrating what?” There was so much to celebrate for. Every day with Bella was cause for a celebration.

“I got my dissertation paper back,” she said with a smile. It had to be good by the look on her face.


“A plus!” she said, jumping up and down as she squealed in delight. “I don’t have to go owl hunting after all!”

Logan stopped and spun her around, catching her in his arms as she fell. “That’s my girl. Brains and beauty all rolled into one.”