Page 68 of Taming the Beast

She shook her head. “No, but it’s been a while, and my ex-boyfriend was nothing like you.” She hadn’t gotten a good look at Duncan’s cock yet, but she remembered the feel of it, and she could tell from the way it fit snugly inside her that he was literally twice the man Sam had been.

Within a moment, she softened and conformed to him, and Duncan slipped the rest of the way inside her. Once he was fully seated, she turned her head back to Nick and opened her mouth, accepting his cock as it slid between her lips. At first, she sucked him slowly as she savored his flavor in his every response. As Duncan’s pace increased inside her, it fed her own frenzy, and she started bobbing her head and sucking more forcefully.

Nick was thrusting into her mouth, and she opened her eyes to look up, thrilled by the wild passion she saw on his face. Knowing she was the reason for it sent her flying over the edge just as much as Duncan slipping a hand between their bodies to stroke her clit as he surged deeply inside her while he started to come.

Nick followed suit a few seconds later, and she swallowed his cum as Duncan filled her with his release. Her body was strung taut as a bow as she reached the apex of her climax. Abruptly, all of her muscles loosened, and she trembled under the force of her release. She was only slightly aware of Nick and Duncan trading places. Their stamina shocked her, but not as much as her own capacity to keep up with them.

Nick slid inside her slick heat as Duncan’s cock pressed against her lips. She yielded just as eagerly to them in their changed positions as she had when the three of them had first come together on the bed. Baylee was certain she couldn’t possibly muster another orgasm, but they soon proved her wrong, sending her flying over the edge at the exact moment both men attained their own fulfillment.

By the time she came back down, they were both lying on either side of her, legs twined with hers, and arms across her waist and her hips. She put a hand on each of their sides and let her eyes close. The sleepless night, combined with the vigorous lovemaking, caught up with her, and she fell asleep minutes later.

Chapter 3

Baylee woke later in the day feeling stiff and sore, but in a good way. She was disconcerted to wake alone, and she tried not to be hurt about that. They had likely woken before her and not wanting to disturb her, had slipped away quietly. It still made her apprehensive as she took a quick shower before dressing to head downstairs. Walking down the stairs gave a sharp reminder of just how she had used all her muscles earlier in the morning. She was feeling it now, but had no regrets—at least about the physical endeavors.

She found them waiting in the library, and they were both reading. There was a tray waiting for her, and she sat down in a wingback chair, holding the plate on her lap. Now that she was with them, she found it impossible to look at either one of them. The air was thick with tension, and the aftermath was awkward as hell.

She’d never had a one-night stand before, much less with two people, so she didn’t know the proper etiquette. She didn’t even know if it was strictly a one-night stand, or if there was more to it. Though she had been hungry when she had taken the plate to sit down, she found it impossible to eat as her thoughts weighed on her. The silence stretched, and she swore the ticking of the grandfather clock amplified in her brain until it was all she could hear.

She blamed that on how violently she startled when Duncan spoke her name. Baylee managed to advert catastrophe in the form of dropping her plate, but it was a near thing. She clutched it harder than she had as she lifted her head and looked in his direction, but didn’t quite meet his eyes. “Yes?”

“Everything’s fine. There’s no need to feel awkward around us.”

She hadn’t imagined she’d been able to hide her reaction, but hearing confirmation of her failure deflated her. With a sigh, she leaned forward to place her plate on the table in front of her, finding she couldn’t eat with them present. “How can it not be awkward? What we did… All three of us…” She shook her head, trailing off. How could they not feel the awkwardness and tension?

“Are you ashamed of what we did?” asked Nick.

She looked at him, summoning the courage to meet his eyes as she shook her head. “No, of course not. I just don’t know how to act or think this morning. I’ve never done anything like that before.”

“Over the years, Duncan and I have learned to share, and I think we’ve both learned there’s no right or wrong way to react. If you’re feeling awkward or weird about things, we’ll give you space. Not too much space though. Last night wasn’t just a one-off thing for us.”

She was reassured by his words, and she nodded.

“Come on, Duncan. Let’s give Baylee some time alone.”

She watched them go, and it wasn’t until the door closed behind them that she realized what he had said in its entirety. Over the years, he had learned to share with Duncan. That meant they did this sort of thing all the time. What was a combination of strange and special for her was commonplace for them. A new wave of anxiety spread through her, along with a stirring of jealousy that she didn’t want to feel. She didn’t know how to process what had ha

ppened, or how she should react in the long run.

She didn’t see them again until dinner, and while she still hadn’t sorted everything out, at least she was calmer about the situation. She felt compelled to ask them as dinner progressed, “What did you mean when you said you’ve learned to share?”

She had practically blurted out the question after several moments of silence, so it was only fair they both looked startled for a moment.

Duncan was the first reply. “When Nick and I were first…maneuvered into becoming partners, we didn’t really like each other.”

Nick snorted. “That’s an understatement. It took us a while to get past our rivalry and focus on our shared goals. Once we did, it started to feel natural to do things together.”

She took a sip of wine before asking, “Including taking women to bed together?”

He shrugged a shoulder. “To be blunt, we’ve been looking for the right woman for both of us.”

She frowned at him. “You’re deliberately seeking out a woman who will be with both of you? Am I understanding that correctly?” At their nods, she frowned. “But why? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just find your own girlfriends?”

Duncan’s expression had closed, and Nick made it clear from his tone that he was done discussing it. “We have our reasons, and that’s all you need to know for now. The most important thing is, if you can live with what we want.”

She still held her wineglass, but hadn’t taken another sip. She stared into the rich red color as though it would give her the answers she sought. “How long are you wanting to share someone?”

“For the rest of our lives,” said Duncan.