own head. No man’s ever filled me with such fear, such loathing and such repulsion as the – now deceased – mob boss whose men had almost killed me.

“Don’t worry, Jessica,” Jason said, his voice suddenly quiet and solicitous. “He’s never going to hurt you again.”

I hiked up my eyebrow. “I know that,” I said. “Unless his superpower is rising from the grave, then we’re all good on that front.”

“So what you looking at then?”

“They got arrested,” I said, turning the laptop screen until Jason could see it. The newspaper website made the story very clear: Hijackers Apprehended Feet From Plane!

“What the hell newspaper is that?”

I shrug. “Who knows, some local one I guess. Although –”

I trailed off.

It was Jason’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Although?”

“I don’t get why the paper’s lying about them being hijackers.”

Jason grinned, a self-satisfied smile stretching across his face. I half expected his cock to twitch, he was that pleased with himself.

“I called in a tip,” he said. “Said the Mafia was planning to hijack a plane for ransom. Stupid story, really, but I bet the FBI were there within half an hour to take those goons away from airport security. They won’t talk – and it wouldn’t matter if they did. They don’t know your name, and they sure as hell never knew my real one. So they’ll rot in some maximum-security jail cell for the rest of their natural lives…”

“And what about us?” I said, worriedly chewing my bottom lip. “What about the rest of our natural lives? I’ll never be able to go home again, never be –”

Jason cut me off. “Why not?”

“We’re on camera!” I squealed. “It won’t take the FBI long to figure out who I am from my picture. After all, we’re the only passengers who never actually got on the plane!”

Jason waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about that.”

“How can I not –”

Jason stood up, his cock dancing from side to side from the movement. “I said don’t worry,” he growled. “I sorted it all out. Now, are you going to come here and be upstanding or –”

“What do you mean you sorted it out?” I demanded.

“I had a buddy of mine – ex-CIA, met him on a mission in Islamabad a few years ago – hack into the airport database and erase any evidence we were ever there…”

I fell silent, stunned.

“So,” Jason grinned. “Does that put your mind at ease?”

I opened and closed my mouth a couple of times before I felt able to talk. “I… I guess so.”

“Good,” Jason grunted. “Because Little Jason’s getting twitchy…”

I rolled my eyes. “You can’t call your cock Little Jason, Jason.”

“Why not?” He replied plaintively.

“Well for one thing,” I said, standing up and unbuttoning my pajama top. “There’s nothing little about it…”

Something about Jason’s foresight in making sure I wouldn’t be on some terrorist watch list for the rest of my natural life had me – well – unaccountably horny. There’s something unbelievably hot about a man who knows how to take care of his woman.

His woman. Is that what I’m calling myself now?

I pushed him back against the bed, and he felt without resisting. His eyes glanced from his cock to my mouth.