Page 6 of Dragon Twins Bride

It could be called a gentlemen’s club, Gahariet supposed, but the nobility who came weren’t on their best behavior inside. They weren’t gentlemen.

Olivier and Gahariet pushed their way through the crowd that had amassed next to one of the stages to go to a far corner, where there was a naked girl serving wine. Olivier and Gahariet grabbed a glass of wine each while they watched the show.

Gahariet watched the nobility around the stage. Their eyes were looking at the naked girls like they were a nice piece of steak, not like they were sentient beings. Gahariet didn’t like it. The club was a place where they didn’t have to play by the rules. Gahariet didn’t want to stick around. He drained his glass.

“I want to go home.”

“Home? But we just got here.”

Gahariet sighed internally. He’d brought his brother here to watch the girls, it was true, and his brother wasn’t worrying about the prophecy anymore.

“We’ll stay for a few more drinks.”

Olivier nodded and got to his feet to get even closer to the stage. There was a woman on her hands and knees crawling near the edge. Anonymous male hands were tucking dollar bills into the straps of her shoes, because she wasn’t wearing anything else..

Gahariet felt a flood of liquid hit him, getting his pants soaking wet.

“I’m so sorry,” one of the naked girls gasped. “I didn’t mean to spill wine all over you.”

She had a glass of wine in her hand. Gahariet looked down at himself. It was red wine. The clothes were a total loss.

“I guess I should go home.”

Gahariet was actually glad that he had a legitimate reason to get out of this den of sin. He’d loved it when he was young, but he was just a little more mature now. He wanted more, a lot more.

Maybe it was because he didn’t live in the moment quite as much as his brother, but he wanted to get started on putting together a family and producing heirs for the throne. He knew his duty.

Sure, he had a pretty enough face, and there were plenty of Draka nobles who would love to be princesses. But he’d met all of them and grown up with every one; he knew that he could never marry any of them.

He knew, that when he got old, they’d have to send to their home world for a girl who was fertile. He’d never find the right woman here.

“We have a clothes dryer in the back, if you’d like to come with me.”

In a flash of light, Gahariet understood why she’d spilled wine on him. She wanted to get him naked. There were back room services that paid a lot more than working on the club’s stage.

“No, thanks. I’ll just go home.”

He walked past her to get his twin, who was enjoying himself right by the stage…a little too much.

He yanked Olivier’s collar.

“Come on. We’re going home.”

“But I was just…” Olivier’s eyes went to Gahariet’s pants.

“What happened to you?”

“Wine spill.”

“Too far gone, brother? Can’t hold your liquor?”

Gahariet slapped Olivier’s arm. “Girl.”


Olivier shook Gahariet off before making his way to the club’s exit.

Gahariet was glad to go back to an area where the women were clothed. He hoped that the Yore women in that club were very well compensated.