Page 69 of Dragon Twins Bride

“Your new mate is very beautiful. Is she related to Emperor Bao Dai?”

“We don’t know,” Gahariet said softly, his hand on Olivier’s arm to stop him from saying anything.

“She looks just like him.” Lucien grinned at her. It wasn’t nice at all. “How nice to meet you. Please enjoy the festivities.” He nodded at the Thrones before walking off to talk to a group of people huddled around a hunk of jade carved in the form of a dragon king.

He left behind a stench that made Phuong nauseous. His mention of her resemblance to her real father made the mood tense. Phuong still didn’t know if they had known, or if one twin had known and the other hadn’t. From the looks of it, Gahariet might have known while Olivier had been very surprised by the accusation and about to set it right.

She didn’t want to call them out, not right here, not right now. It wasn’t the right place or time. She’d talk to them about it later. She hated being kept in the dark.

Olivier took Phuong’s hand and pulled her around the auction house, gently guiding her around the little clumps of Draka who turned to glare at her, the only Yore dressed in fancy clothes besides Xuan. The other Yore were all servers here.

Phuong knew that she was safe with Olivier and Gahariet, but that was intellectual. Deep in her gut, she was terrified of being Marc’s doll. Marc wouldn’t physically assault Thrones, but she didn’t think that any of the Draka would shed a tear if Marc suddenly killed her. Gahariet and Olivier would take re

venge, of course, but she’d be dead.

But they were in polite society, and appearance was everything to the Draka.

“You could at least look like you’re enjoying yourself, Phuong. We are at a party,” Olivier nudged her. “I promise we’ll only stay as long as we need to.”

“I’m not going to pretend to be someone I’m not,” she said stiffly. “And if you didn’t realize that when you mated me, then you shouldn’t have.”

“When we mated, neither of us had any idea who you were.” Olivier rubbed his face with his hand. “But this isn’t the time.”

They looked each other in the eyes. Phuong knew that he was really worried about her and their mating. She instinctively wanted to reassure him that everything was just fine, but she knew that it would be a lie.


Marc’s Invitation


A server came up to her, but he wasn’t carrying a tray.

“Marc would like to request the pleasure of your company.”

His tone wasn’t offensive, but it wasn’t the tone of a server. She looked at him closely. He was wearing a simple black suit, but the cloth was higher quality than the other servers.

“Sure, why not,” she replied. Gahariet and Olivier trailed behind her as they made their way through the crowd towards Marc’s office.

Phuong turned around and met Xuan’s eyes. He stopped obtrusively following them, hanging back a few steps and moving at a slower pace. With luck, Marc wouldn’t realize that they’d brought somebody extra. Yes, her brother was Yore and stuck out, but he was changing his body language right now to say that he was just a humble Yore server. She could hear one of the Draka ladies give him her empty wineglass and ask for a refill, which he did immediately. He’d be just fine on his own at this party. He had excellent instincts.

Then they were in Marc’s office. There were three chairs in front of Marc’s desk, and they all took a seat.

“Close the door, please.”

The Yore who had fetched them bowed to Marc before closing the door. Phuong was half-expecting to hear the click of a lock, but it never came.

“I think I know what you’re here for.” Marc pulled a chain out from under his shirt.

All three of them sat up straight in their chairs. There was a vial of blood on the chain. Phuong knew that it was her blood.

His eyes swept over the twins before resting on Phuong.

He sighed. “I had such plans.”

“They were your plans, not mine.”

Marc paused for a second. “Do you know what I found out when I spent a little extra time with your blood this evening?”