Page 58 of Dragon Twins Bride




Phuong sat down by the lagoon with the spellbook. She felt confined inside of the castle, no matter how luxurious it was.

She flipped through the Yore magic book. Hoa had taught her the basic characters, but she wasn’t all that great at reading Yore yet. She could try, though.

She whispered the words of the spell before she closed her eyes and wiped away everything else, all of her worries, her cares.

Her energy was better than it had been in the morning the previous day.

Whatever the twins had done to her body, it made her stronger.

With her eyes closed, she could feel the life force of several small animals in and around the lagoon. She’d never felt more alive than when she was reaching out and touching all these little sparks. She loved the surge of force that she suddenly had, now that she’d mated with her mates to renew her energy.

But then something went wrong. When she spread the net around herself, she must’ve opened a door, because she could feel Marc coming in.

She tried to open her eyes and shake herself out of her light trance, but he didn’t let her. His taste in her mind made her stomach churn. This time, it was different.. He didn’t waste time trying to convince her that she belonged to him.

His essence began to take over her mind.

“Don’t be afraid.”

It only made her more afraid. She tried to shake him out of her mind, without any clue of how to do that. She didn’t know how to successfully repel a mind attack.

She was a queen. A queen should be able to push him out. She thought about blank whiteness in an attempt to shield her real thoughts from him. She didn’t want him to learn about her plans.

“I don’t mean you any harm, but there are other people who would be only too happy to use you. You are mine, claimed by me, but I will leave the choice to you. Visit your ancestors in these waters. Learn what they want you to learn. Ask them where you belong, if they do not send you straight to me, I will leave you alone. You can live for the rest of your life with the twin princes.”

Phuong didn’t say anything.

Then his presence was out of her mind. She hadn’t reacted in time to tell him that she was definitely not his to claim.

She wouldn’t tell anybody about it. After all, her Yore ancestors had told her to be wary. It wasn’t as if they would suddenly change their minds.

She thought guiltily that she should tell somebody that she was going to the ocean, but she walked by herself to the open ocean. The beach was part of the royal estate, so it was empty.

With her clothing still on, she walked straight into the ocean. The twins had little regard for their clothing, so she got the feeling that she didn’t need to be especially careful. They were rich enough to replace anything that they liked.

The ocean closed over her, holding her like a mother. She closed her eyes and sank straight into a light trance, opening her mind to the ancestors who still roamed in the ocean water.

She began to feel the spirits of the ancient Yore reaching towards her.

“Guard your throne,” one said.

“Guard your throne, a second spirit said.

Then it was a chant as the whole ocean filled with spirits telling her to guard her throne.

Phuong’s eyes snapped open as she awoke from her trance. Guard her throne? What did that mean?

Phuong walked slowly back to the castle, trying to fit together all the puzzle pieces. She was feeling overwhelmed. The spirits only had three words to tell her. It was totally unclear which direction she should be going in. They hadn’t said a word about Marc, but she didn’t know if they knew about him. She didn’t know which throne they were talking about: the Draka one that she got by marriage or the Yore throne that was hers by birth? How was she supposed to guard and from whom?

She was in her wet clothes, so she went upstairs and changed into something dry. She went back downstairs to grab something from the kitchen, picking up some fresh fruit before deciding to go out to the stables that they kept.

There were horses in there. Phuong shared a little bit of fruit with one that seemed especially bold. “You’re pretty, yes you are.”