Page 56 of Dragon Twins Bride

“Maybe in four years, you’ll be able to light a candle.”

Phuong was angry. “That’s not going to help my mates now.”

Phuong began to flip through the pages. They were all covered with hand-drawn artwork and characters.

“What’s this one?” She could see someone with silver eyes staring at someone whose eyes reflected the silver.

“It’s a mind link.”

“What supplies do we need for it?”

“It just takes incense and powerful focus. But that’s definitely not where you should start.”

“I appreciate your caution, but I want to do it. There’s no time for me to waste dallying around with basics. If Marc uses my blood again and overwhelms my spirit, I want to be able to fight back.”


Raining Kisses


Olivier and Gahariet went to check in on their mate. “You look exhausted,” Gahariet said. “You did too much today.”

“I’ll survive,” Phuong said, smiling even though she looked totally wiped out. She was a little pale.

Hoa was there in the corner. “Excuse me, Your Highnesses. I need to go home. I need to watch my granddaughter.”

She bowed with her arms crossed to the three royals. Maybe Hoa was growing to like them.

Olivier crossed the room to pull Phuong into his arms as soon as Hoa was gone. He pulled her hair, wrapping it around his hand as he pulled her backwards, raining kisses on her forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose, and finally mouth. Then he kissed and bit her neck. She smelled like flowers and pastries.

“Did you bake something today? We have people for that.”

“Well, we had to find incense, but the only incense that we could find was vanilla-scented. Hoa said that it might interfere with my concentration, but we had to use it.”

“That’s why you smell so nice.” He licked her neck. “Mmm.”

“Save some for me,” Gahariet admonished. He was taking off his shirt and pants and carelessly leaving them on the floor. He came around Phuong’s other side, sliding his hands around her and wrapping her in his arms. His chin came down on the top of her head.

Phuong shivered a little.

“Are you cold?” Olivier cupped one of her breasts and felt that one of her nipples was hard.

“No,” she whispered. She tilted her head, moving Gahariet off of her, while Oliver kissed her mouth.

“There’s no bed in the study,” she said when she broke the kiss.

“We can improvise.”

Gahariet leaned down to grasp the hem of Phuong’s dress. It was ocean blue with navy blue straps at the top, with two cut-outs showing just a tiny bit of the tops of her breasts. Olivier leaned down to taste her skin there.

“You taste good all over.”

Then Gahariet was pulling the dress over Phuong’s head. He picked her up and pulled her away from Olivier, bending her over the desk. Her feet were on the ground. Gahariet’s hand was in her hair.

“Widen your stance,” he told her.

Olivier watched as Phuong spread her legs a little wider. Gahariet’s hand began to rub her lower lips.