Page 44 of Dragon Twins Bride

“It looks like it,” Gahariet said. “We don’t have definite answers, but I can tell you that we’ll be with you every step of the way. Now why don’t we go back to the castle and pump you full of fluids? We’ve immersed you in the lagoon, but you could dry out from the inside, and that’s not good. Dehydration can be a major problem during transition.”

Gahariet began walking out of the lagoon. Phuong clung to him and threw her arms around his neck, her head against his chest.

She shivered when she was out of the water. Her teeth were chattering.

“Why is it so cold?”

“The contrast between the outside temperature and your inner fire makes it feel cold. Dragons are cold-blooded anyway. We’ll take you home and get you out of your wet clothes.”

Gahariet set her down gently in the wooden cart. All three of them were wearing wet clothes as they set off for home.

They only went a little way before Olivier stopped. “I hate this shirt,” Olivier said before stripping it off and putting it over his arm.

“It’s not that comfortable,” Gahariet agreed before whipping off his own shirt.

Phuong tried not to stare, but both of the brothers had perfect musculature, their broad shoulders were probably twice the size of hers. Then their backs tapered into a perfect V-shape at their slim hips. She had an amazing view as they pulled her in the cart up the castle. She was perfectly capable of walking, but she’d rather sit in this cart, no matter how much it jolted her.

Then they had gone all the way up the path and were at the castle.

Gahariet helped Phuong out of the cart before stowing it beside the door.

“Someone will know what to do with it,” Gahariet said. “Now, do you want to drink some hot xocolatl or get


“I need to change,” Phuong said, gesturing at her dress ruefully. “I’m afraid it’s a little more scandalous for me to take off my dress than it is for you to take off your shirts.”

“Well, I wouldn’t be scandalized,” Olivier teased. “You can take off your dress in front of me anytime.”

Phuong blushed, which helped warm her up a little bit. The three of them went to her room.

Gahariet said, “Give me your dress. I can send it down to our laundry room. It can be as good as new.”

Phuong looked at her beautiful dress. “Okay.” She bit her lip. “Could you two turn your backs?”

“No,” Olivier said bluntly. “You’re our mate. We’ve had sex. If you want to see us naked, too, we can go first.” Olivier stripped off all of his clothing so that he was naked. “Besides, I think that I heard that the best way to warm someone up was skin-to-skin contact.”

“Sounds good to me.” Gahariet took off his clothes, too, draping them on a chair in her room. “Come on, Phuong, don’t you want to be warm?”

Phuong looked between the two dragons. Both were aroused and coming towards her. What did she want?

She tugged the hem of her dress over her head, dropping it to the floor.

That’s when Olivier tackled her so that she fell back on her bed, his hands on her wrists, his mouth on her neck. Her back arched as pure dragon fire ran through her veins.

“Oh,” she moaned.

Not to be outdone, Gahariet pushed his brother aside a little.

“I want to feast, too.” She felt her thighs being pushed apart. Gahariet’s hair was rubbing against her inner thigh.

Then his tongue was touching her core. “Mmm, you’re so wet.” He licked her from top to bottom, paying special attention to her clit every time that he got up there.

She bucked wildly, but his hands went to her hips to hold her still as he ate his fill of her.

Olivier stopped kissing her and moved up her body, his knees going on either side of her shoulders.

“Open up, mate,” Oliver told her. He gripped her chin in his hand before guiding his cock into her open mouth with his other.