Page 24 of Dragon Twins Bride

But she’d only run a few hundred yards before smoke materialized in front of her and the twins were blocking her advance.

“Don’t be afraid,” Gahariet said soothingly. “We’ve waited a long time for someone like you.”

Part II


Weapons Archive


Gahariet opened the drink cabinet in their weapons archive. They had a real armory, of course, but the weapons archive was where they kept their family’s old weapons. Their grandfather had believed that preserving the history that went along with their family was important, so he’d built a room to showcase all of the weapons that their family had used over the years on different planets.

Gahariet privately thought that their grandfather had built the weapons archive to get a bit of peace. Their grandparents had had a good relationship, but his grandmother got to be a little much sometimes. His grandfather had been very fierce, but he had loved them in his own way.

Gahariet offered a glass of red wine to his twin.

“Who thought that we would meet our mate in Alrech Auction House?” Olivier asked.

“Not me, that’s for sure.”

“You’ve smelled her?”

“She’s definitely our mate,” Gahariet confirmed. “Her smell…I feel like it’s imbuing every part of me with her. I thought that you were reckless to break her out. It’s not like we want to go toe to toe with Marc, not for a good reason at least.”

“She’s a good reason,” Oliver protested. “Our mate is worth whatever trouble she brings.”

Then Olivier blinked.

“The prophecy.”

The edges of Gahariet’s mouth turned down.

“She’s our mate. We have a blood right to claim her

. Marc could never take us to court for claiming our mate. But she’ll make her own decision when she wakes up.”

“We should hire someone to look after her.”


“Just for a little while.”

Olivier met Gahariet’s eyes. He said, “You’re usually a believer in the impossible. Why are you worried about something that might happen? We know who she is. She should know, too.”

Olivier walked out of the archive.

Gahariet followed him back to the room where their mysterious mate was sleeping, and he could see that something was different about Phuong’s skin in direct sunlight. She was shimmering, almost like the ocean on a sunny day.

He knew that she was their mate. But what happened next was totally up to her. Gahariet didn’t like unpredictability — he had enough of it with his twin — but her decision would be incredibly important. They only got one chance at soul mates. If they lost her, they wouldn’t be able to get someone who smelled the same as she did, arousing protective instincts from both princes.

He had seen his twin’s face in that auction house as he’d helped her out of the cage. He knew that Olivier already felt strongly about her.

Gahariet knew that he was capable of caring for her, but they’d barely met. Olivier was someone who threw himself into anything at all.

Gahariet always looked before he leapt. He planned things. They were going to marry at least nobility.

And now it seemed that they were blood bound for eternity to a Yore girl. Their father would not be pleased. Their marriage should’ve been a pre-selected bride, but they’d dodged their duty for long enough.