Page 3 of Dragon Twins Bride


Blood Thief


Olivier felt someone touch his arm. He turned just in time to see someone trying to jab a needle into him.

“Get away from me,” he shouted, deliberately attracting attention in the crowded marketplace. He heard a snap as he broke the man’s pinky finger.

The thief, wearing ragged clothes, dropped the needle and ran through the crowd, disappearing behind people.

Olivier began to push people aside as he pursued his would-be attacker, only to be stopped by a hand on his wrist.

“You better be ready to lose that hand,” he warned as he turned around. “How dare you lay a hand on a prince?”

“When you’re a prince, too, somehow the royal status doesn’t mean much,” his twin said drily. “Give up. He didn’t take any of your blood. Your eyes are still glowing around the edges.”

“He tried to stab me with a needle,” Olivier protested. “I need to bring him to justice.”

“Leave the cafard in his filth.”

Olivier glared at the crowd. Thanks to his twin’s intervention, he couldn’t even see the thief anymore.

But Gahariet was already pulling him in another direction. “Forget it. Let’s just head back.”

As they walked towards the cobble road, they heard a shout. They were near the archives when an old woman hobbled towards Olivier. He’d had enough of being touched today, so he quickly sidestepped so that Gahariet was closer.

But she went towards Olivier, stepping too close to him. “Your fate is on the way. She will come, but trouble follows her closely.”

The hair on the back of Olivier’s neck stood straight up. He rubbed the back of his neck.

“Mother, don’t bother the princes.” There was a young man who put his arm around the old woman’s shoulders and brought her to a small stall that was near the archives. “I’m so sorry, Your Highnesses. My mother...sees thing sometimes. She says that it’s her obligation to tell the people that she sees...she’s never seen Drakan royalty before. Please don’t arrest her. She’s old and sick.”

“We’re not monsters,” Gahariet said in his smoothest voice. Olivier shook his head. Gahariet had always been able to talk his way out of any sticky situation. They were in a crowded marketplace. Yore everywhere had turned to look at them. Yes, they would be within their rights to harm her, but they’d pay for it. “We appreciate her warning.”

With a nod, the man disappeared with his mother.

Olivier turned to Gahariet. “What is it with everyone wanting to talk to me today? My fate is coming? But she’s in trouble? That could be interesting.”

“Did you notice that her eyes were silver?”

“Yeah, freaky, right? Is that common?”

“I don’t think so. I’ve never seen it before.”

“Let’s go home.”

“I’m more than ready to be inside, away from all these people, believe me.”

The two of them headed home.




Phuong’s stomach growled loudly, stirring her out of her meditative trance. She could see her face in a shiny piece of metal on the wall. Her eyes were glowing silver...just a little bit.