Page 37 of Dragon Twins Bride

His eyes were closed as he drove into her again and again, trying to find his completion.

And his twin was releasing inside of her little body. A heartbeat later, Olivier pulled out of her.

And then she was Gahariet’s. He pushed her until she was flat on her stomach, and she moved to pull her thighs apart.

“No,” he told her. “I like you tight like this.” He pushed her legs together.

He gathered her wrists into one of his hands and held them against the bed above her head.

“Let me help you,” Olivier said, replacing Gahariet’s grip with his own.

Gahariet was free to put his hands on her smooth, soft shoulders with his knees on either side of her body.

And then he was going wild on top of her small body, giving everything that he could to her. She took everything like a champion. He could see from the rapid rise and fall of her back that she was breathing hard.

One of his hands went from her shoulder to circle her delicate neck. He closed his hand just a little. He could feel her heart beating like a rabbit’s from the pulse in her neck.

“Come for me,” he commanded. “Fly.”

With a scream, she shuddered below him, her hand whipping around wildly as her body shook its way through another orgasm. He could feel the tension in her below him.

And then the clenching of her body pushed him to his own completion. He released inside of his blood-bound mate like he had an unlimited supply of seed inside of him, pulsing again and again, filling her beyond her capacity.

But finally, his body stopped releasing, and he eased himself out of his mate.

He rolled them to their side again, Olivier sliding in front of her. Gahariet arranged her thigh on top of Olivier’s again.

Gahariet knew that they should get clean, but somehow he didn’t have the energy to handle it. His eyes were closing, even though it was still morning.




Phuong felt something cold pressed against her forehead. She could see bits of light even though her eyes were closed.

“She’s processing.”

“The dragon blood will help. Give her some more.”

She tasted the iron taste of dragon blood in her mouth.

Fire burst inside of her body, making it feel like her skin was too tight for her. She tossed and turned, her eyes still closed, writhing on the bed where her lovers had claimed all of her virginity.

Something about love-making made her feel like there were cords binding her to them. She was closer to their thoughts like this. She could practically feel their minds with hers. She knew that even if they were in a crowd, she’d be able to find them, even if she couldn’t see.

She felt like they were inside of her. Feeling safe, she let herself drift off again.

* * *

She blinked awake later. She felt a surge of power inside of her. A light was on near her.

Gahariet’s smooth voice said, “It’s okay. Relax. Everything is okay.”

Her eyes finally opened. She could see his face. He was sitting in a chair next to her. He put his hand in hers.

She drifted back to sleep.