I looked at his face. He was blazing almost as hot as when we had sex. "Sounds pretty good." I cleared my throat. "You know, your mom said that she was surprised that you had not taken me on a honeymoon. When are you going to have time in your schedule to handle that?"

He reached out and squeezed my hand. "I'll figure something out, I promise."

"You know, I have never been to Hawaii. Obama goes on vacation in Kauai. I would love to go over and visit it."

"There's this amazing brewpub that over there with a ton of little cabins that surround it. I know a place that would be great to..." He touched my arm and waggled his eyebrows. "Get to know each other better."

I smiled at him. "That sounds good to me." This time, we would literally be on an island, far away from this blonde chick.

"What do you want to do for dinner? I can take you to a restaurant. If you want simple Wisconsin food, I could just take you to Quivey's Grove."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. It's an old converted farmhouse. It's very local, for sure."

"Let's do that."


We went to his truck. When I looked at it again, I looked past the rust stains. The truck had a lot of character.

"Why is your car so rusty?"

"It's been exposed to a lot of rain and snow. I don't really keep it inside all that often, so it's just..." He shrugged. "Exposed to the elements a little more. I don't mind. The body underneath is still the same."

That was comforting to know. As I swelled up, at least he would feel the same way about the person underneath.

Quivey’s Grove


We drove to Quivey's Grove, which was between Verona and Fitchburg. I got into their little parking lot. I liked the look of it. It was Americana at its finest. Unlike the little farmhouse, this farmhouse was well maintained. There was a lot of love in it.

When we got in, I saw fried fish on the menu. I ordered it, thinking about all the times I'd complained about Wisconsin fish fry and their foreign ways. I giggled.

"What's so funny?"

I blinked at him. "Nothing. I was just thinking that there must be a lot of fish out here."

"Do you fish?"

"Uh, not really. The Potomac isn't the best place to go fishing, for sure. I've been deep sea fishing with my dad, though. He likes to get far away from land when we are on vacations. We have a lot of fun on our yacht."

"Sounds like something that I should try out. I've only fished on land and in the lake. I can only imagine what it's like to deep sea fish. I am imagining something like Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea."

"It's exactly like that."

"See, I don't know if you are joking when you say that."

I shook my head. "Gotta learn. Gotta keep up. We’re married.“ I smiled at him. We had all the time in the world to spend together. My dad and mom weren’t the kind who believed in divorce, and his parents had stayed together, too. We were in this for the long haul.

"I can have my assistant to book us a trip to Hawaii in a few days. I have a few more meetings to get this deal nailed down."

"So you're a venture capitalist."

"Among other things, but yeah. There are serious state government tax incentives for people who invest in qualified Wisconsin businesses, mostly involving tax breaks. When you are moving as much revenue as we do, then you definitely have to look out for opportunities. When I invest in the local economy, I feel like I am helping my neighbors. That kind of ethos is how we do it here on the prairie."

"Silicon Prairie?" I raised my eyebrow.