
I woke up on Jimmy's chest when I felt the plane landing. I blinked

a few times. I looked at his white shirt.

"Oh my god, I've gotten my makeup on your shirt."

"Don't worry about it." He kissed my makeup-less forehead. "It'll come out in the wash."

I looked at him, stunned. I didn't know that he still felt affectionate about me. Maybe the arm around my shoulders was a hint.

My mouth compressed in a firm line. I shrugged my shoulders. He took the hint and unwrapped himself from me.

"We're going home."

He followed me out of the plane. I walked down the steps to the runway. There was a bit of chilly wind. It was substantially warmer two months later, but the cold breeze was enough to make me shiver.

"Here. Take my coat." He shrugged his off.

I didn't protest. I was just wearing my white wedding gown. I was going to freeze to death without anything else on. He looked so fine there in his suit.

That was the kind of thinking that had landed me here in the first place. Knocked up. Locked up.

I walked to the exit of the private airfield, and I saw a limo.

"Where's your truck?"

He looked sheepish. "I got us car service. I thought you might appreciate it."

I smiled. "I do. Thank you." I touched his arm, then I ducked inside of the car. I felt rather than saw him get in the car behind me.

It pulled out of the lot, and I looked out of the windows. Most of the snow was gone now, but there were still little bits by the edges of the road where the snowplows had heaped the snow earlier.

We got there faster, this time. I watched the wooden house with its battered paint job and the old barn come closer and closer. My new home.

We whizzed by it.

"Hey! Hey!" I banged on the dividing glass. The chauffeur lowered it. "You passed the house."

"No, he didn't." Jimmy's voice was quiet and embarrassed behind me. "That's not my home."

I turned around. "I'm pretty sure it is. That’s where I stayed last time. Did you think that I suddenly forgot or something?”

"It's the old house. It's our guesthouse, and the barn is my office when I want to get away from my headquarters."

I had never really gotten out of the house to look at the barn. As we kept driving, we got to a very large, circular driveway. I was speechless as I saw the white mansion at the end of it. It had huge columns and blue shutters around every window.

The lights were on inside.

"That's your house?" There was a little heat in my voice. "Why did you make me stay in the other one?"

"Do you remember that Andrew used to live here?"

I thought back to our conversation. "He did. He said that he knew you." I blinked. "You guys played euchre together."

"That's right. We were close when he lived here. I saw him every week.“ Jimmy pulled at his collar a little bit. "He told me what you said...I guess I got a little annoyed."

"A little annoyed? So you put me into a hovel instead of your actual house?"