"Yeah, of course." He had dimples when he fully smiled. "Do you wanna build a snowman?"

"You've watched Frozen?"

He looked affronted. "Is there anybody in America who hasn't?"

"No, there are plenty of people who haven't. It's a children's movie, you know."

"That song was everywhere. I couldn't stay away."

"Let me grab my coat. I would love to play in the snow. I haven't done it since I was a little kid."

I changed into warm clothes. I had silk leggings that were technically long-johns. I put on a warm underlayer from Uniqlo, then a vest and a scarf. I took out my big winter coat with its water-resistant exterior.

When I came downstairs, Jimmy laughed. "It's like you grew to twice your size."

"Are you calling me fat?" I asked playfully. I was just teasing.

"Nah. Come on. Let's play."

When he opened the d

oor, a few flakes came in. I followed him outside. In a half second, I had a bunch of cold snow hitting me in the face. The snowball fell apart when it felt the solid warmth of my face. It dripped as it melted, and it came down to my neck, dripping into my scarf. I gasped for a little bit, just like all those people had during the Ice Bucket Challenge.

"Oh no you didn't!" I got a bunch of snowball and hurled it at him. In my haste to get revenge, I hadn't packed it well enough. It swirled into the air as the little flakes fell slowly downwards again. It was beautiful, but I saw him launching a snowball at me. I ducked out of the way this time. This was an all-out war.

We stayed outside for at least an hour, smacking each other over and over again with huge bundles of snow. It felt magical to hit each other with snow while the snowflakes fell around us. It was like being inside a snow globe. A very cold snow globe. I liked the look of the snow piling up around us.

Eventually, I just plopped down on my back. I started making a snow angel. I was too pooped to keep throwing and dodging snowballs.

Jimmy came and sat beside me.

"I never knew that the reason why people made snow angels was that they were tired."

He started making one. His arms were so long that he touched my snow angel, marring the perfect, clean lines.

"Hey! You're messing up my angel!"

In response, he buried me in a huge heap of snow. Now my angel was covered up, and I was heaped with snow. I wiggled out from the snow, but Jimmy was on top of me. I saw the light in his eyes from before, and he leaned down and kissed me gently. His mouth was colder than mine. He pulled back.

"Let's go inside."

What was it with him and kissing me and then shutting everything down? He went from hot to cold instantly.

"I'm not coming back inside." I crossed my arms. "I am going to be making another angel, one that you won’t mess up. And I'll go in when I damn well please."

"Amelia, you are soaked head to toe from playing in the snow. Come on. I'll make you some hot cocoa to warm you up."

My legs were wet with melting snow. I might be obstinate, but I wasn't suicidally obstinate. I wanted to come in. My body was starting to shiver a bit.

"I'll take you up on the cocoa." He gave me his hand to pull me up. I was flush with his body, though our coats and various layers were between. He kissed me again, then he towed me inside. I was so confused. What did he want?

"Stomp your boots. I don't want to get too much snow inside of the house. The puddles take forever to dry up."

I obediently stomped my boots outside.

"There's snow all over my clothes, too." I took off my coat at the door and hung it on his coatrack. I took off my hat. I unwound my scarf. Everything was saturated with snow. I took off my vest. I was down to my Uniqlo layer and my long-johns at this point.

I could see him looking at the wet cloth clinging to my breasts. He had teased me earlier today, suddenly kissing me when he wanted to. If he didn't want to have sex, that was his thing, not mine. I defiantly pulled off my shirt. His eyes just about popped out of his head when he saw my boobs encased in their white lace bra. He closed his eyes.