And then I was burning up, shooting my first load inside of her. But I wasn’t done with just one shot. I twisted us so that her back hit the bed, her legs still on either side of me. I rearranged them so they were over my shoulders, her curled toes facing the ceiling.

I kissed her as I pounded the rest of myself inside of her. I’d never come like this, like my body had an endless supply of seed. I heard her soft cry as she orgasmed beneath me. I felt her clench around me, so tight that it was hard for me to move. Her hips bucked off of the bed, seemingly of their own volition, because she was screaming now and she was far beyond words.

When I was empty and she was gently clenching around me with aftershocks, she opened her eyes.

“Wow. Is that how it usually is? I should’ve done this sooner.”

I felt jealousy coil in the center of my chest. “It’s not usually how this is. It’s never been like this for me. And you’re only going to know what it’s like with me.” I leaned down and savagely bit the juncture of her neck and shoulder. I could hear her gasp in pleasure and a little pain from my hard bite. “Nobody but me.”



I was covered in sweat. Naked Desmond was still on top of me.

“I’ve never felt this way about anybody.” I could feel my body gripping his huge, semi-erect cock which was growing harder. He was still inside of me. “You don’t have any competition.”

“I’ll keep everyone else away from you. You can move in with me.”

“Hang on. This is the first time we’ve ever…”

“It’s the first time that you’ve ever done it.”

“I can’t just move in with you,” I said, even though I had to suppress a little excitement in my stomach at the idea of being able to do this every night. I could feel my body getting warmed up again, even though we’d just come. My nipples were hard now.

“You can and will. I’ll pay whatever you need for college. Tuition, books, computer, whatever.”

“You can’t do that. And I don’t need tuition anyway. There’s just a first-year requirement that I have to live there, and I didn’t know how I was going to manage it. A job and some student loans, I guess.”

“No loans.” He slid a little further inside of me, making me gasp at the magic spreading through my lower half.

“You can’t win arguments by making me…oh!” I closed my eyes as my back arched of its own accord. I didn’t talk anymore as he made slow, tender love to me again. I felt a little sore, but I wouldn’t have stopped him for the world.

A long time later, I could feel him pumping himself inside of me, warm shots that burned me up from inside. The fire that he stoked inside of me made my body shake with another climax, even though I’d come earlier that night.

My body had the consistency of jelly. Desmond got off of me and brought me into the shower. He took his loofah and soaped me up. I did the same with my hands, feeling the hard ridges of his abs and kissing his shoulder. I could feel him beginning to get hard again when I heard the doorbell ring.

“Hold that thought.” Desmond turned off the water, wrapped a towel around himself, and grabbed pants from the bedroom floor. I hadn’t even noticed him taking them off. He took a shirt from the closet. His boxers were still on the ground.

Without Desmond and the warm water running, the bathroom felt cold. I got a towel and wrapped myself in it, waiting for Dez to figure out whatever had someone knocking on the door at this time. Probably something to do with the business. I could hear pretty clearly, since his bedroom wasn’t that far from the door.

“You’re Desmond Barton?”

“Yes. How can I help you, officers?”

Officers? What was going on? I searched the bedroom floor for my clothes. I felt like I needed to be dressed for this.

“You’re listed as the emergency contact for Paul Jenkins. You aren’t answering your phone, so we were dispatched here to see if we could find you.”

An icy stab of fear entered my heart. I couldn’t see my shirt. I walked into the bathroom and saw it on the floor. I put it on. I had to figure out why the police officers were at Desmond’s place.

“How can I help you?” Desmond was still polite, but he was wondering about Paul just like I was.

“He’s in the hospital. We can provide an escort while you get there. He’s been in a motorcycle accident. Dark road. A semi with a drunk driver hit him.”

My heart stopped. I must have passed out, because everything went black.
