‘You go and tidy up while Paul and I have a man-to-man talk,’ he said with amusement.

Callie went, not wanting to hear what might be said to the baby next. What an infuriating man he was turning out to be!

To her surprise Logan quietly left the nursery about ten minutes later.

Her eyes widened. ‘Asleep?’

‘Asleep,’ he nodded.

‘How did you do it? Marilyn sometimes walks up and down with him all night, and it doesn’t do any good.’

Logan sat down, stretching his long legs out in front of him. ‘That’s because he doesn’t like being walked up and down. I sat down with him in the rocking-chair and just talked to him.’

‘Oh,’ she frowned her chagrin.

‘Yes,’ he was smiling now. ‘I told him it isn’t polite to interrupt another man’s date with a beautiful woman, and that he would have to wait until he was older and get his own girl-friend.’

‘Oh!’ She was blushing now.

He shrugged. ‘He understood perfectly. And now that he’s asleep…’

She watched in trepidation as he stood up to come determinedly towards her. ‘Er—Would you like dessert? I have some fresh fruit in my flat, or—’

‘You,’ he said softly.

‘Me?’ Callie gulped.

‘I’d like you for dessert. Or at least,’ he smiled at her expression of panic, ‘a portion of you.’

She would have liked to ask which portion, but it was already too late. Logan had joined her in her armchair, and as it wasn’t made to accommodate two people they were pressed very close together, Logan tenderly cupping her chin as his mouth claimed hers, gently at first, and then with increasing passion as she didn’t resist him.

Callie had been waiting for him to kiss her again ever since that first probing kiss, and her arms went up about his neck as she kissed him back, her body straining against his.

He kissed her throat, the hollow between her breasts visible by her partly unbuttoned blouse, his lips moving up to once again claim hers.

Callie felt as if she had known this man all her life, as if she had been kissed and touched by him before. And yet she hadn’t, she knew practically nothing about him but his name, and it was this lack of knowledge that finally made her pull away from him, holding him at arm’s length.

Logan was reluctant to release her, his grey eyes glazed with a passion that matched hers. ‘Callie…?’ he groaned, his dark hair ruffled by her fingertips, the top two buttons of his shirt undone by those same fingers.

But she hadn’t been able to resist the desire to touch him, to feel the smoothness of his flesh, to touch his heated body. And Logan had liked her to touch him, had encouraged her caresses with gruff murmurs in his throat.

‘I—Don’t rush me,’ she blushed. ‘I don’t even know you.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘Do you need to?’


‘Okay,’ he accepted with a sigh. ‘Maybe I’d like to know more about you too. Let’s get more comfortable, hmm?’

Before she was hardly aware of it Logan had shifted in the chair so that he was the only one sitting in it, with her seated on his thighs, his arms firmly about her waist.

‘This is more comfortable?’ she derided.

Logan looked up with a grin, his eyes on a level with her breasts. ‘Well, isn’t it?’ he drawled.

‘For you maybe—’

‘But not for you?’