‘Here,’ he finished with a raise of his eyebrows. ‘Can you?’

‘No, I suppose not,’ she frowned. ‘I have some chops in my flat, and—’

‘My dear Callie, I wasn’t suggesting you cook for me. You sound as if you have your hands full already. I’ll send out for the food. We were going to Roberto’s, I don’t see any reason why he can’t bring it up here.’

Callie could! Roberto’s was one of the most fashionable restaurants in London, certainly not the sort of place that did take-out food! ‘I don’t mind cooking—’

‘I won’t hear of it,’ he refused firmly.

‘And I won’t hear of you sending to Roberto’s,’ she said stubbornly. ‘I’d rather have a Chinese.’

‘You would?’

‘Mm,’ she smiled at his surprise. ‘And there’s one just two doors down from the block of flats.’

‘How convenient,’ he drawled. ‘And I suppose I have to go down for it?’

‘If it wouldn’t be too much trouble,’ she said with saccharin sweetness.

Logan smiled. ‘Not at all.’ He stood up smoothly, and the flat at once looked smaller. ‘I happen to like Chinese food too.’

‘How nice!’


‘Mm?’ She looked up irritably.

‘Would you rather I left?’ he asked softly.

The evening and night stretched out in front of her like black emptiness, and she knew that being alone was the last thing she wanted. She hated everything to do with illness since her mother had died, and she was dreading Bill’s next telephone call, fearing the worst.

‘No,’ she admitted huskily.

‘I’m glad,’ Logan said throatily. ‘Walk me to the door?’

Considering it was only about five steps away it was a strange request, and yet as soon as she stood up it

didn’t seem strange any more. Logan was moving closer to her, not the door.

‘I’ve thought about you a lot the last couple of days,’ he told her softly, and one of his hands came up to cup her chin. ‘You’re more beautiful than I remember,’ he murmured before his lips claimed hers in a gentle, probing kiss, moving away as she responded to him.

Callie looked at him dazedly. How could he think she looked beautiful in denims and a thick blue jumper?

‘I won’t be long,’ he said briskly. ‘Do you have any preferences?’

‘Sweet and sour pork,’ she told him instantly

He laughed softly. ‘I like a woman who knows what she wants.’

‘You do?’

‘Yes,’ he touched her cheek gently. ‘I won’t be long.’

She knew he wouldn’t be either. She and Jeff had food from that restaurant often, and their service was very quick. She took advantage of Logan’s absence to hurry over to her flat, at least changing the jumper for a silky rust-coloured blouse, which at once made her feel less drab, adding a light make-up and lip-gloss too.

She only just managed to get back to the other flat before Logan returned, and his eyes widened appreciatively as he took in her changed appearance. Callie ignored that look, and took the bag from him to begin laying out the silver trays on the table, taking out the two plates she had put in the warmer.

Logan took off his jacket, and the white shirt stretched tautly across his wide shoulders and tapered waist.