‘I just told you, it’s almost one o’clock in the—’

‘I meant, are you alone?’

‘Of course I—Logan!’ She was indignant as she realised what he was implying.

‘Ssh, you’ll wake the neighbours,’ he chided mockingly.

‘I should think you’ve already done that,’ she snapped, although there was still no sound from next door.

‘You told me to call you—’

‘Yes. But I didn’t mean now, tonight—’

“‘Never put off until tomorrow what you can do—"’

“‘Today”,’ she finished the quote dryly. ‘What happened to your friend?’


‘If that’s her name, yes.’

‘As far as I know she’s at home safely tucked up in bed,’ he taunted.

‘And why aren’t you with her?’

‘What makes you think I’m not?’

‘I—Are you?’ She blushed, even though he couldn’t see her reaction to his teasing.

‘No,’ he chuckled. ‘Believe me, she wouldn’t let me call another woman while I was in her bed! And what about your partner for the evening, where’s he?’

‘On his way home to be safely tucked up in bed, I should think,’ Callie answered mischievously.

‘And why isn’t he with you?’

‘Because I always sleep alone,’ she told him waspishly.



‘But you don’t always eat alone?’


‘Dinner tomorrow, then?’

It was like being taken along in the path of a tidal wave, and Callie rebelled at this management of her life. ‘Not tomorrow,’ she refused. ‘I already have a date,’ she invented.

‘Break it.’

‘I most certainly will not!’

‘The neighbours, Callie,’ he once again taunted.

‘Damn the neighbours—’

‘Tut, tut, tut, you swear too.’