Page 65 of To Ruin a Rake

p; “Why hasn’t he asked you?” whispered Cat as she finished her toilette.

Harriett glanced at her in surprise, wondering if she’d somehow spoken her thoughts aloud. “Russell?”

“Yes, Russell,” said her sister, rolling her eyes. “Who else? He seemed so eager. What happened?”

“I don’t know.” It was the truth.

“Why don’t you just ask him why?”

Harriett didn’t bother to hide her horror. “Are you mad?”

“You don’t have time to waste on him if he isn’t going to come to scratch.”

“He will.” She didn’t feel nearly as confident as she sounded.

“Well, perhaps you’d better encourage him,” said her sister, a sharp edge to her voice. “I’m anticipating a declaration of intent tonight, myself. Hammond has been hinting all week that he has a surprise for me. I pray it is a proposal.”

“As do I,” Harriett vowed. It would be the saving of at least one of them.

Less than an hour into the party, Papa sought her out in the gallery where she was with Lily. An enormous grin split his face as he apologized to her friend and drew her aside for a private word. “Winchilsea has just agreed to a match between his nephew and Catherine,” he said, keeping his voice low.

Happiness flooded her, as well as relief. “Has he asked her yet?”

“He is about to do so now, I think. I allowed them a moment alone in the salon. Come.”

Moving to the railing with him, Harriett looked down in time to see Hammond enter the room with her sister, whose face was radiant. “Thank the Lord,” she murmured as Cat looked up at her, triumph written on her face.

“Indeed,” said her father. “And now it is your turn. I rather expected Russell to approach me before now.”

“So did I.”

He turned to regard her with worried eyes. “And if he does not?”

She had no answer for him. “Then I suppose we shall make the best of it and hope for better luck during the Little Season. I realize there won’t be much to choose from at that time of year, but I understand I cannot be picky.”

He nodded, his reluctance evident. “Perhaps Russell will rethink his hesitation while you are in Berkshire. They say absence makes the heart grow fond.”

Oh, if only it were so! She’d be a fool to do anything but accept him at this point. A head of flaming hair appeared over her father’s shoulder. Speak of the devil…

“Good evening, Lord Dunhaven, Lady Harriett.”

Turning, her father greeted him with warmth. “I suppose you’ve heard the news?”

Russell’s eyes lingered on Harriett for a moment before he answered. “Indeed. Congratulations. Hammond is a fine man, and I’m sure they will be very happy.”

“Indeed, yes. I should think so as well,” answered Papa. “If you will excuse me, I think I shall just go and have a pipe to celebrate.” He paused before turning. “I’ve some very fine tobacco from the Colonies, if you’re of a mind to join me.”

But though he smiled pleasantly at the offer, Russell shook his head. “No, thank you. I just came back from having one myself.”

Her father’s face fell only the slightest bit. “Well, then. I shall leave you young people to your fun.”

Harriett watched him go with despair. Russell had just turned down the perfect opportunity to speak with her father alone. Much as she hated it, Cat was right. She had little time to waste.

“I’m so happy for my sister,” she said to Russell. Moving closer to him, she placed her hand on his arm. “Winchilsea seems very pleased as well,” she added, nodding down at Hammond’s beaming uncle.

“Yes. I must assume he is.”

His reply was such that she had nowhere to go but the blunt path.