Page 27 of To Ruin a Rake

ere she looked there was color. Bright silks were draped over tables and spanned the space between the columns supporting the galleries. The entire place had been made to look and feel like an eastern palace.

She entered the ballroom unannounced and snagged a glass from a passing tray. No one was being announced tonight. The excitement of anonymity was part of the event.

“Come,” said Cat, taking her by her free hand and dragging her through the crowd.

Not five minutes had passed, however, before they were stopped. A man in a jeweled mask bowed low before Harriett and asked her to dance. She turned and looked at Cat in surprise. Grinning, her sister shooed her off with a subtle nod.

Taking the stranger’s arm, she allowed him to lead her to the ballroom floor. An hour later, she was still dancing. One after another, gentlemen—including Russell, who had thankfully not recognized her—had come forward to beg her to partner them.

It left her positively giddy. And a bit footsore. The new slippers were pinching. Before another would-be-swain could step forth and whirl her away, she begged leave and made for the tables and chairs.

She’d had more fun tonight than in all the years since her debut. It amazed her that something as simple and small as a mask could be so liberating! She stopped at the buffet, tempted by the bright array of pineapples, oranges, bananas, and other tropical fruits that hadn’t been seen in her home for well over a year. They couldn’t afford them anymore. Filling a plate, she chuckled as she remembered Cat’s declaration regarding beef and oranges.

“You dance most gracefully, my lady.”

The familiar voice stopped her cold. Her heart began to pound. Not here, please not here...Gathering her courage, she turned.

The masked man, whom she knew to be Manchester, sketched an elegant bow. “I would be honored if you would grant me your next dance. After you’ve rested, of course. I know full well you’ve been on your feet for the past hour.”

Which meant he’d been watching her. Confusion filled her. There was no hint of animosity in his tone or in the way he looked at her. In fact, his amber eyes were warm and full of admiration. It was almost as if...the mask! A thrill raced through her as she realized he had no idea who she was. “I would be delighted,” she said, pitching her voice low.

He tensed, his eyes widening, and she held her breath. After a moment, however, he shook his head and laughed softly. “My apologies. For a moment, I thought I knew you.”

“Unlikely, my lord,” she husked, eyeing him like any bold miss. “I’m sure I would remember a man like you.”

“You would indeed,” he said, his tone causing her belly to tighten.

It was dangerous to flirt with him, but safe in the knowledge she was unrecognizable, Harriett couldn’t help herself. Exhilarated by her own daring, she ventured a step further. “You certainly think well of yourself, sir.”

There was no sarcasm in the laughter that followed her dry comment, no derision. Only apparent delight in her candor. “Confidence is an aphrodisiac,” he said, coming close enough for her to breathe in his scent. “And you, my lady, possess it. Not to mention a few other attractive assets.”

Her cheeks heated as his dark gaze flicked down to her décolletage. To be admired for her appearance was not something to which she was accustomed. Safe behind her mask, she took a cooling sip from her punch. A bit of the froth clung to her lip and she licked it away without thinking. When she looked up, she saw her enemy’s gaze was now fastened on her mouth.

A giggle lodged in her throat. Good lord, the man was practically salivating! If he knew who it was he ogled, he would likely suffer a fit of apoplexy. The thought spurred her to new heights of recklessness. With wicked intent, she drew a deep breath and watched as his gaze again dropped. The poor fool appeared unable to decide whether to look at her mouth or her bosom. The giggle again tried to escape, and it was only with the greatest self-control that she held it in. Even so, her lips quivered on the verge of a laugh.

“You’re enjoying this,” said her nemesis.

“Yes.” Freed to do so, she favored him with an impudent grin. “Quite.” And with that, she turned and began walking toward the seating area. Her legs shook the tiniest bit, but all in all, she’d handled that very well indeed. Before she could reach the tables, her escort moved ahead to hold out a chair for her. She tried to concentrate on maintaining her sultry demeanor.

Her stomach knotted as he sat opposite and stared at her. If he should recognize her...but he wouldn’t, would he? Never in a thousand years would he expect her to wear a gown this daring or to behave in such a forward manner. The Harriett Dunhaven he knew was a completely different person. She was perfectly safe as long as she said nothing to give herself away.

“Might I ask your name, my lady?”

Her throat constricted, and she forced a low chuckle past the obstruction. “That would defeat the whole purpose of wearing a mask, now wouldn’t it?”

“I suppose I can wait until midnight,” he said with a shrug.

Damn. She’d forgotten about that. Perhaps Cat might not mind if they left a tiny bit early…

Leaning in, he lowered his voice. “You are correct in that part of the fun of this is the mystery. We could be anyone, couldn’t we? For all you know, I might be a footman.”

“And for all you know, I might be a lowly kitchen maid.” She raised a brow.

A slow smile parted his lips. “Never, my lady. I can see well enough through your mask to know you are a diamond of the first water.”

Oh, can you indeed? Considering he’d mistaken her for a servant once before, it amused her to no end to hear him spout such drivel. She fluttered her lashes and came close enough to see the pale gold flecks in his whiskey eyes. “Tell me, dear footman, are all of your fellow servants so ambitious in their compliments? If so, I wonder that every lady of quality does not run away with a manservant. I fear I shall be in grave danger of a scandal should my own head footman prove as gifted as you in manners and speech.”

He stilled, and she thought that perhaps she might have gone too far. Then he said softly, “Why take a chance on him, when you can have me? I would certainly be more discreet. And a hell of a lot more fun.”