“He was?” Hope flared in Eleanor’s heart as her friend nodded.

“Yes, and his distress frightened me terribly. I thought that perhaps…” She paused, and Eleanor saw tears form in her eyes. “I thought you’d died. But as soon as he saw me, he assured me you were not in danger and that you would recover fully. And then he told me that I must have nothing more to do with the Yarboroughs—and why.” Her blue eyes burned with hatred through their bright veil of tears. “You may be confident that I shall never again speak to either of them!”

“Caroline, you must never tell anyone what really happened,” Eleanor urged. “Promise me!”

“I already promised the same to Lord Wincanton, but I’m happy to make the same vow to you.”

Relieved, Eleanor again embraced her friend. “Thank you.”

“I pray that pig Yarborough gets what he deserves,” muttered the redhead, hugging her back fiercely. “I hope he’s forced to marry Lottie Winthrop!” she burst out. “She’d be a perfect match for him, the horrid little cow.”

In spite of being almost overwhelmed by doubt and fear, Eleanor began to giggle. Miss Winthrop was truly not a very nice person, but even so, she wouldn’t wish anyone, even Lottie, to be stuck with the likes of Donald Yarborough for a husband.

With patience worn thin as parchment

, Sorin waited, one eye on the mantel clock. Rowena had sent a note this morning to tell him Ellie was fine, but he needed to see for himself. He also needed to speak with Charles. How that conversation went would depend upon how much she remembered and her feelings about it.

Stafford had not disappointed him this time. Just thinking about what he’d learned made Sorin’s jaw tighten. It might not be his place to challenge Yarborough openly—but that didn’t mean he couldn’t find another way to get to the bastard. And he had.

Angry over having been cheated out of his fee, one of Yarborough’s solicitors had provided evidence concerning an illegal investment Yarborough had made with the aid of a rival solicitor. Under a false name, Yarborough had taken some of the proceeds from the sale of his Irish property and invested in a “coffee farm” that was, in fact, a slave operation. Things had gone sour, however, and his investment had not provided adequate returns. He was in imminent danger of bankruptcy.

This same informant also claimed Yarborough had made some interesting inquiries of a junior clerk employed by Ashford’s solicitor—inquiries specifically regarding the amount of Eleanor’s inheritance. Yarborough had not been given exact information, but he’d learned enough to know that marrying her would enable him to pay all of his debts and live quite well on annual dividends from the remainder.

Even if Eleanor decided not to prosecute, and he didn’t think she would, Yarborough was still on the wrong side of the crown. And Sorin was going to make certain the blackguard saw the full measure of consequences for his crimes.

Alerted by the sound of approaching footsteps, he turned to see Eleanor. Her smile was subdued, but she was clearly pleased to see him. Like a cool rain, relief washed over him. Either she didn’t remember anything of his actions last night—or she returned his affection for her in kind. If the former, he would allow her to remain in blissful ignorance of his imposition. If the latter, he was prepared to drop knee this instant. The ring practically burned a hole in his pocket. “Ellie, I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you well.”

“Thanks in part to you, as I understand it,” she replied. “I owe you an enormous debt of gratitude. Had it not been for you and Lord Marston—”

“Think nothing of it.” Please…

Her brow furrowed. “Such a selfless act cannot be considered insignificant.” She looked to the floor, but not before he saw a blush begin to stain her cheeks. “Had I been more prudent, my rescue would not have been necessary. And had you been less discreet, I would be facing an entirely different situation than the one I do now.”

A selfless act. Again, he was struck low by shame. And—if he was honest with himself—sore disappointment. It was at once evident that their passionate interlude was, for her, lost to oblivion. No hidden amour for him dwelt in her breast. It’s for the best, he told himself, overriding the protest of his heart, which felt like someone was trying to tear it from its mooring.

It took him a moment to gather his wits enough to speak. “I’m honored to have been able to render assistance. As is Marston, I’m sure. Which reminds me…” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a sealed envelope. The ring, he left concealed. “He came by this morning and asked me to deliver this to Miss Caroline. I believe it may be a final effort to reconcile differences.”

With ginger fingers she took it. A twinge of unease ran through him at how careful she was to avoid touching him. He brushed it off. It was only natural that she would now be reluctant to make physical contact with any man.

“I cannot break the confidence with which I’ve been entrusted,” she said, her voice breaking a little as she looked up at him. “But I can tell you that this letter will be most welcome. Thank you for bringing it.”

Before he could respond, Charles walked in and the moment was lost amid friendly greetings and more undeserved thanks.

“Gentlemen,” interrupted Eleanor. “If you will excuse me, there is something I must see to at once.”

“Yes, of course,” said Charles, dismissing her with an impatient wave. “We have business to discuss, anyway.”

Her eyes hardened. “Business concerning Yarborough?”

“Yes,” said Charles after a moment’s pause. “Rowena told me you’d agreed to have me speak with him privately rather than haul him up before the magistrate. Is that truly what you want?”

“I wish to avoid a scandal,” she said with calm that was belied by her worried eyes.

Sorin’s temper flared. “If there is a scandal, you won’t be the cause of it. The fault will be entirely his.”

“Regardless of who is at fault, a scandal would impact more than just me,” she answered back. “There are others to consider.” Turning to her cousin, she dipped a curtsy. “I shall leave you to your discussion.”

“What news?” asked Charles as soon as the door closed behind her.