She snorted. “Well, that was rather hasty, if I do say so. Her former suitor is barely cold in his grave and already she is engaged to his successor.”

Bending to nuzzle her neck before taking a seat beside her, her husband chuckled. “She certainly didn’t waste time. Fortunately for her, Thomas is nothing like his predecessor. I knew him at university. He’s a very decent fellow.”

“I’m glad of it, for her sake. I admit her animosity toward me was largely my fault. I hope she’s very happy.” Sighing, she tossed the papers aside. “Chadwick is to be married, Miss Bidewell is soon to be settled, and my mother will be Lady Sheffield before Christmas. Only Percy remains unshackled—and don’t give me that look,” she groused. “You and I both know he needs a wife.”

“Yes, well, I

doubt you’ll convince him of it anytime soon. He was set on having you, remember?”

“Has there been any word yet?” she asked, deliberately changing the subject.

“Give it time.” He laughed. “They’ll have only just arrived in Paris by now. It’ll take a good month to see her properly settled, at the least.”

“It’s a shame she’s decided not to contact her family,” she replied, frowning slightly. “But perhaps it’s for the best. There would be questions, questions I’m sure she’d rather not answer.”

“I only hope he knows what he’s doing,” said Henry. “It’s dangerous business, pouring money into a charity. He has no shortage of funds, but still…”

“Don’t you dare impugn his generosity! Let him play the hero for a while, if he’s so inclined. He’s only just learned what it means to care for someone more than himself.”

He shook his head in denial. “Not so, my dear. I’m afraid you were the one who taught him the art of self-sacrifice. For the first time in his life, he did what was right instead of what he wanted.” Reaching out, he brushed a wisp of hair back from her forehead. “You’ve a way of changing people.”

“You haven’t changed at all,” she accused.

“I’ve changed more than you can possibly imagine.”

“Nonsense,” she whispered, nestling into his shoulder. “You’re still the same man I met all those years ago. I think I might have loved you even then—I must have, or it wouldn’t have hurt so much when you made fun of me.”

“If that is so, then I certainly hope you’ve changed the way you show affection. I don’t relish the idea of finding snakes in my pockets or—”

“You promised you’d never bring that up again!” she said, throwing a cushion at him.

Wrapping his arms around her, he laughed and held her close. “I promise I’ll always love you, my adorable, wonderful Pest.”

Sneak Peek: To Make a Match


Liana LeFey

THE MOMENT THEIR guests departed, Victoria went to her room and shut the door, throwing the bolt.

Could things get any worse? Thanks to Withington, she now appeared a complete wanton, and her sister had just insinuated that she was unhinged. Would Cavendish ever come back?

The air in the room was stuffy, and she felt as though everything was closing in on her. She had to get out. Right now. Besides, she needed to have a chat with Primero after his naughty behavior.

Extricating herself from her gown, she changed into her riding clothes. Her shirt was getting rather tatty. She’d need a new one, soon. The breeches still had a lot of wear in them, though, and her boots were decent, at least.

One day, she would order a set of beautiful new riding clothes tailored to her specifications—including breeches—and be damned anyone who disapproved. Plucking out her hairpins, she plaited her inky tresses into a long, loose braid down her back, her nimble fingers working quickly.

Without so much as a glance in the mirror, she took herself to the window. Checking first to be certain no one was about, she climbed over the sill and stepped out across the divide and onto a sturdy branch. Shimmying down the hand and footholds she’d carved into the giant oak’s trunk as a child, she dropped to the ground and made for the stables.

Slipping into Primero’s stall, Victoria hugged his great neck, taking comfort in his gentle strength. Hot tears spilled down her cheeks. He butted her to show his concern, and she ran her palm down his mane in calming strokes to reassure him that all was well.

But all was not well. Not at all.

Primero nuzzled her shoulder until she rested her forehead against his brow. She gazed into his gentle brown eye. “You must stop nipping people, sweetheart,” she softly scolded.

He replied with an obstinate chuff that brought a smile to her lips. She stroked his cheek with her thumb in a circular motion and blew gently into his nostrils. “I know you don’t much care for gentlemen after the way you were treated, but I’m afraid you must learn to put up with them. I’ll be married one day and have a husband, and little Charlie will one day grow up, too. You like him. He’s good to you, isn’t he? There, now,” she soothed. “You don’t want to run him off, do you?”