All Henry could do was nod in surprised agreement as his friend knocked back the remainder of the amber liquid in his glass. “Do you still plan to take her to France?”

“As soon as this business with Fairford is finished, yes. She wants to open a charity school for girls. I’ve agreed to provide the funds.”

“Damn me, you’re practically turning into a saint,” Henry said, chuckling.

Percy’s smile turned wicked. “Don’t start placing any bets at White’s, old boy. I’ve not changed so much that I’ll turn down a bit of pleasure when it’s offered. But only where it’s safe. I want no complications.”

“You mean to return to seducing other men’s wives,” Henry translated.

“Precisely,” agreed Percy, setting his now-empty glass on the table. “However, you may rest assured that I shall leave your lady wife unmolested. I have been well and truly cured of my fascination with her.”

Henry relaxed. “I can’t say I’m sorry for it. I hope you find happiness in your new direction. Do you think you’ll ever marry?”

“Perhaps one day I shall meet a female strong enough to withstand my blackened past in all its dubious glory,” mused Percy. “In the meantime, when were you planning to share the news?”

“What news?”

A wry brow lifted. “Oh, come now, Henry. I’ve seen enough women’s bosoms to know when a lady is expecting.”

“Damn. Is it that obvious?”

“As the nose on George’s face,” said Percy with a droll smile.

“Wait…what were you doing admiring my wife’s bosom?”

“I very nearly married the lady. Do you think I would not know every detail of my once-prospective bride’s appearance?”

Henry glared. “In the future, I shall thank you to keep your eyes above her neckline.”

“WOULD YOU LIKE some refreshment?” offered Sabrina, having at last made her way over to the young woman she now knew as Raquel.

“Oui—thank you.”

Sabrina signaled a servant and watched as Raquel took a glass of punch from his tray. It was a bit disconcerting to think of the wounds hiding beneath the silk of the young woman’s gown. Her mother’s descriptions had been chilling, to say the least. He might have done the same to me…

“I know you must be displeased to see me here, but Per—Lord Falloure insisted on my coming,” the girl said after a sip.

“I am honored to have you as my guest,” Sabrina insisted. “You need fear nothing while you are here,” she added quietly. “There are armed men everywhere. You’re safe.”

The girl’s shoulders relaxed a bit. “I wish I had been able to prevent what happened to you.”

“It makes no difference now,” Sabrina assured her. “We are both safe here. He cannot harm us anymore.”

The girl nodded, but Sabrina got the distinct impression she didn’t believe her. ?

?I hope you enjoy the evening,” she added. “If there is anything you desire, you have but to ask, and it shall be done.”

Just then, Henry and Percy emerged from their conference and came to join them.

As Sabrina danced with her husband, he filled her in on the discussion.

“Fairford has come out at last, but he seems to be lying low for the time being,” he informed her.

“Do you think he might simply let the matter drop entirely without raising a scandal?” she asked, full of hope. The look on Henry’s face spoke for itself, and her heart sank. “It is probably very foolish of me, but I almost wish he would show himself now and try to cause trouble. I feel that the longer he waits, the worse it will be,” she said, with a meaningful glance down at her belly.

“You’ve nothing to worry about,” Henry assured her. “You will be safe as long as you are with me.”

“And what of Raquel?”