THE TIME SINCE her return had been spent in a whirlwind of chaotic activity, punctuated by moments of quiet bliss and contentment. Now the day had finally arrived, and Sabrina stood before her glass and fussed over her reflection.

Her pale pink manteau was cut in the latest fashion, with pleats that fell loosely from the shoulders to gather in graceful folds down the back of her wide skirts. Turning to the side, she scrutinized her profile with a critical eye. Her bosom had grown significantly, and there was no masking it, not even with a fichu and lace.


Amid the hubbub of preparations, she’d come to realize that the time for her menses had passed unmarked. Henry, of course, had been elated at the news. But like her, he feared Fairford’s reaction. They had agreed to keep it a secret from everyone save her mother for as long as possible.

Her hand moved to rest protectively on her abdomen, which had not yet begun to swell, and noise behind her made her turn.

In the doorway stood her mother. “May this be the first of many such happy events,” she said, smiling softly. “I am absolutely ecstatic, my dear, but I must say that I am also extremely concerned.”

“There is no need for worry, Mama. The house and grounds are bristling with armed men. The queen herself is more vulnerable,” Sabrina assured her. “I’m sure the matter will be resolved quickly. Henry has sworn to beard Fairford in his den if he does not show himself soon.”

“Nevertheless, I shall come and stay with you until things are sorted out once and for all,” her mother replied, her light tone contradicted by her gimlet stare. “You’ll need help with the arrangements for your lying in, and there are a thousand things that must be done before the babe arrives. The nursery must be looked at, nurses must be interviewed, clothing must be made for the little darling…”

Even though the blessed event was not due to happen for another eight months, Sabrina nodded agreement. It was pointless to argue. “Yes, of course, Mama.”

“Good girl. Now, Sheffield is waiting for you downstairs. Are you ready?”

“I am.”

As she spoke her vows for the second time before witnesses, Sabrina was touched by the sight of familiar faces. Several of her sisters were present with their husbands and children, and her friend Lavinia was here. Several members of Henry’s family were present as well.

All seemed pleased, with the exception of Lady Bidewell and her daughter. Lady Bidewell stared at her with undisguised rancor, and her daughter’s look was equally sour.

Miss Bidewell’s smile was particularly nasty as she congratulated them, yet still Sabrina’s conscience pricked her. No matter how unpleasant the girl was, she could not allow her to marry a murderer without giving her some form of warning.

Henry must have seen something of her thoughts in her face, because he quickly drew her aside. “You cannot!” he breathed in her ear. “Have no fear. She shall never marry him, I promise.”

Percy was there as well. Everyone had been quite shocked when he had arrived only moments before the ceremony, laughing and praising “the happy mistake that freed me from the incarceration of marriage.” She and Henry had made it a point to greet him with warmth, assuring everyone that they were on the best of terms.

Sabrina noticed the quiet and very pretty young woman on his arm and wondered who she was. Before she could think any more about it, however, another guest came forward to wish them well.

Taking Percy aside during a quiet moment, Henry ushered him into a salon and closed the door.

“Before you begin berating me for bringing a whore into your house, allow me to explain,” Percy began in a low, tight voice, walking directly over to the decanter and measuring out two glasses of brandy. “Fairford visited the Childers woman last night and left with her this morning.”


“He must have been aware he was being watched, because he gave us the slip.”

Henry’s fingers tightened on the stem of the glass Percy had thrust at him. “How?”

“They visited several merchants, made a lot of purchases, and then, at the last one, he simply didn’t return to the carriage with her. When my man went into the establishment to investigate, Fairford was nowhere to be found. The proprietor claimed ignorance until pressed, and then he said Fairford had paid up and asked to be let out through the back. Another conveyance must have been there waiting for him.”

“And you’ve no idea where he is now?” Henry’s heart sank as the other man shook his head.

“You don’t think he’d actually come here, do you?” asked Percy. “It’d be tantamount to suicide.”

“All the same, if he does show, we’ll be ready,” Henry muttered. “I doubt he’d make any open attempt, but that doesn’t mean he might not try something. I’d better warn Sabrina. I’ll assign a couple of men to look after Raquel, too, while she’s here.”

“I thank you,” Percy replied quietly. “Your willingness to help me protect her is quite appreciated, especially under the circumstances.”

Something in his eyes, in his tone, gave Henry pause. “Percy, you’re not…”

“In love with her? No. She’s naught but a child, and a broken one at that.” The grim fury in his brown eyes deepened. “She needs looking after, however, and I intend to see to it. No one shall ever harm her again.”