“Not now, Mama. Please.”

“You think that was difficult, just wait,” said her mother. “There is still time to change your mind.”

“I have made my decision, Mama. Now please, have pity and allow me a moment’s peace before he arrives,” Sabrina begged.

The door closed, and she sagged into the cushions. Henry would be here soon.

She stared at the ceiling, her thoughts racing. The clock struck the hour, and she looked up in surprise. Where had the time gone? She forced herself not to bolt from the room as the sound of someone being ushered through the front door echoed back down the hall.

Punctual, as always.

Steeling herself, she waited. It had to be done. Better a little heartache now than complete devastation later, she reasoned, twitching her skirts straight and taking a deep breath. With a stab of pain, the crack in her heart widened a little further as he entered wearing a happy smile. Her eyes devoured his face, taking in every detail, burning it into her memory.

His smile slowly vanished, replaced by a look of concern. “What’s happened? Are you all right?”

She could not bear to look at him, yet could not tear her eyes away. With an iron will, she made her numb lips move. “I’ve made my decision and accepted an offer of marriage from Lord Falloure. We are to wed at the end of the Season. It’s for the best. For both of us. You’ll agree with me, one day.”

“So fear has won the battle, then.”

She did not answer.

Stepping forward, he grasped her shoulders, forcing her to look up at him. He bent, and as his lips moved gently over hers, her body rallied, responding to his touch with enthusiasm for one last time.

Giving back in full measure, she moaned softly, arching into him as his hands roamed down her back to mold her buttocks, pressing her closer.

After only a moment of bliss, however, she broke away, pushing feebly at his chest.

Reaching out, he tucked a stray strand of fiery hair behind a delicate ear. “I will remain in London until the day you wed. Should you change your mind—”

“I cannot.” Closing her eyes, desperate to shut out the sight of him before it undid her completely, she waited.

One heartbeat.


Ten. The door closed with a soft click.

He was gone.

Her lungs felt like they would explode. She waited until his footsteps retreated into silence before quietly following him out. She had no desire to discuss with her mother what had just happened.

Upon reaching her chamber, she flung herself on the bed and sobbed until the light in the windows faded to darkness.

What have I done? her heart wailed.

The only wise thing, her mind answered.

Fairy tales were for children, and she was no child. It was time to grow up. Percy was a fine match, a reasonable match. In a few months’ time, she would forget all about Henry and this horrible day. She would be preparing for a new life, a life of peace and domestic contentment.

You will never be able to forget him, her heart whispered, unwilling to be silenced.

Eyes she’d thought incapable of producing any more moisture began to well once more.

SABRINA GAZED AT the glittering promise on her finger. The large sapphire flickered becomingly against her pale skin, its richness set off by the small diamonds encircling it.

A smug gleam crept into Percy’s eyes as he made his move.

She’d already made two mistakes this game and was well on the path to losing. A heavy sigh lodged in her throat. The things she’d always enjoyed seemed to have lost their appeal of late. Her next move was an attempt to distract her opponent from her q