“It is nothing,” she replied, unable to help glancing toward the source of her upset. He was walking with his sister, looking as serene and undisturbed as ever. It was so unfair. She smiled up at Percy. “Let us take a turn about the statuary. I hear Lord Belleford recently acquired a new piece from Athens.”

Sabrina agonized over her decision. The strength of her growing attachment to Henry was completely terrifying. The prospect of marrying Fairford was just as unnerving, but in a different way. No matter how genteel his behavior had been since the incident, the memory of that day in the orchard had robbed her of any peace in his presence.

Percy’s visits had provided the only solace over the past few weeks. More and more, she had begun to look forward to seeing him, if only to have someone to talk to who did not pose some sort of threat.

If Henry was correct and the man was planning to ask for her hand, she would say yes. Easy to like and companionable, Percy was the perfect companion. He made her laugh. He acknowledged and even admired her intelligence. They enjoyed long discussions on all manner of interesting subjects. He was a wonderful friend.

A friend who never once attempted to take liberties.

Again her glance fell on Henry. She sincerely began to hope his prophecy came to fruition, because she certainly needed someone to rescue her from this mess of her own making.


SABRINA LOOKED OUT the rain-streaked windows and frowned. Eugenia had sent a note inviting her to visit today, but she rather felt like staying indoors. Just as she turned, movement on the drive caught her eye. It was Falloure’s carriage.

She went downstairs immediately.

“Shall I tell him you are not at home, my lady?” asked the butler.

“No. Bring him into the blue salon,” she said and went to wait for him there. Mama was out and would no doubt be wroth with her for receiving him, but heaven knew she had little en

ough opportunity to have a private word with anyone these days.

“Thank you,” she told the butler as he showed her guest in. “You may go. If my mother comes, please send her here.”

Her unexpected guest bowed. “I apologize for coming unannounced.”

“Is everything well?” she asked, growing concerned.

“Quite well. And I hope that it will be even better after you answer my question.”

She froze.

“I feel we have become good friends, you and I. We enjoy each other’s company, we share a common view on many things, and we understand and accept each other as we are. Such friendships are rare, priceless even. Even more rare is the marriage built upon such a solid foundation. So I will simply ask.” He sank to one knee. “Sabrina, I know you are already besieged by offers, but I sincerely hope that you will do me the honor of accepting mine. Will you marry me?”

She hesitated. This was it, the moment she’d planned for and worked toward all Season. It was her moment of triumph. So why did it feel so empty?

Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she answered him. “I will.” It didn’t even sound like her own voice.

He stood and bent over to kiss her, and she obediently tilted her head upward, hoping to feel something, anything other than numbness or revulsion.

“Merciful God!”

Yelping in alarm, Sabrina sprang away.

Her mother stood in the doorway, staring at them in shock.

“Your ladyship, please accept my humblest apology,” said Percy. “I meant to speak with you first, but you were not at home. Your daughter has just accepted my proposal.”

“Sabrina, a private word. At once,” her mother said in a voice like cool steel sliding back into its sheath. “You may wait in the hall,” she commanded their guest.

Obediently, Percy stepped out to await the verdict.

Sabrina winced as her mother slammed the door behind him. “Mama, I know you favor Henry, but truly, this is for the best.”

“Have you lost your mind entirely?” asked her mother loudly. “You know what kind of man he is!”

“Yes. I do. And he is my choice, Mama!” Calming herself, she lowered her voice. “You agreed to let me choose my husband, and I have. He is wealthy, titled, and he genuinely cares for me. Isn’t that enough?”