“Done. Now, all of this intrigue is giving me a headache. If that is all, I should like to return to the festivities at once and attempt to drown it. Lady Boswell is leading a merry chase this evening, and I am in the fore.”

They returned, and Henry resumed his vigil. Fairford, thankfully, seemed to have disappeared back beneath the rock from under which he’d crept.

When the master of ceremonies announced the final dance of the evening, Henry’s eyes immediately sought out Sabrina.

Striding up, he claimed her, ignoring the fact that she’d already accepted another gentleman’s arm. The young man gaped at the flagrant breach of etiquette, but wisely chose the better part of valor and let his host tow her away without further protest.

Sabrina, however, was not so easily cowed. “How dare you?” she hissed, struggling to keep pace with his long stride.

He ignored her efforts to free herself and tightened his grip.

The moment they faced one another on the ballroom floor, their eyes locked in battle.

“You cannot simply drag me off as if you’re some savage! You’ve no right to behave in such a—”

“I saw you with Fairford.”

“What of it?” she retorted. “Am I not allowed to dance with whom I please?”

He bit his tongue, knowing she was deliberately trying to provoke him. “I don’t trust him,” he said as calmly as possible.

A bitter smile crossed her lips. “And I don’t trust you.”

The dance separated them momentarily. Her answer was nothing he hadn’t expected, but at least now he could address the issue openly. “I hope to change your opinion of me, Sabrina,” he said when they rejoined.

“Do you? Well, you can begin by not embarrassing me the way you did just now!” Yanking her hand loose, she left him standing there.

Bloody hell.


HER MOTHER’S BROWS lowered as she read the card presented to her by the footman. “It appears we have a caller. Lord Fairford is here.”

Sabrina had to work hard to keep a triumphant grin from spreading across her face. He had come!

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Sabrina.”

“Oh, Mama! He’s perfect, I tell you,” she whispered excitedly. “Just give him a chance, and you’ll see.”

“My lady, I thank you for receiving me,” said Fairford, bowing elegantly upon entering. “I do hope I have not caused any inconvenience.”

“Not at all. We were just having tea, if you would care to join us.” Not waiting for his reply, her mother signaled the attending servant.

Sabrina waited with anticipation as Fairford sat across from her.

“What brings you here?” asked her mother.

“I was in the area on business.” He smiled crookedly and looked down. “The truth is that, although I sent an invitation this morning, I wanted to personally invite you to a ball I’m hosting next month. I do hope you’ll both attend.”

“We’d be delighted, of course,” came her mother’s polite reply.

The breath Sabrina had been holding was released.

“Wonderful. Naturally, I do hope to visit again much sooner,” he added.

Sabrina smiled. He’d said it while looking right at her. This is it. It’s now or never. “Are you planning to attend the opening of Giulio Cesare next week? We shall be there,” she said, ignoring her mother’s sharp glare.

“I had not planned to do so, but if you wish it—”