“Then…you have not yet told anyone?”

“As a gentleman, I leave the manner of officially ending our courtship to you,” he whispered. “I ask only that you have a modicum of mercy on my poor, battered reputation. We had best do this quickly,” he added, looking pointedly over her shoulder.

Sneaking a sidelong peek, Sabrina saw the countless pairs of eyes watching them. Among them were Montgomery’s. Trembling, she looked away.

Chadwick offered his arm, commanding her with an infinitesimal shake of his head to refuse it.

“Truly, you are a gentleman among lesser men,” she murmured for him alone. Filled with remorse, she did as the sacrificial lamb before her intended and took one small but very significant step backward.

“I must refuse, my lord,” she said loud enough for those nearest to hear. “For reasons of my own, I cannot accept your invitation.”

She knew that he had prepared for this moment for days, yet she could see that in his heart he’d harbored a tiny spark of hope, the stubborn belief that she might change her mind.

That hope had just been forever extinguished.

“I accept your decision, my lady, and bear you no ill will. I bid you a pleasant evening.” Bowing formally, he withdrew.


Though it had been handled in a very civilized manner, she felt as though she’d just been dragged across a field of broken glass. The look in his eyes as she’d dashed his heart to pieces was something she’d never forget.

Guilt and rage boiled over within her, a toxic potion that ate at her vitals. The guilt was too painful to deal with here. To the anger, however, she gave free rein.

She sought out Montgomery, the source of her displeasure. This is all his fault! Her anger doubled when her gaze found him lounging against a column, grinning down at a pretty young woman with dark hair and flirtatious eyes.

Like an animal scenting danger, Montgomery’s head lifted, and he met her gaze.

By all rights, he should have been struck dead where he stood, incinerated on the spot. Instead, to her great dissatisfaction, he merely turned his attention back to the woman, eliciting a smile.

Fingers of dread crept in to extinguish her anger, quickly replacing it with jealousy so intense it made her physically ill.

She despised what he represented: the very weakness that had steered her mother wrong. And yet Sabrina’s hands begged to touch him. As if drawn by some devilish incantation, she took a step in his direction.

His gaze flicked up once more, and her body heated at the unmistakable flare of desire in his eyes.

Titters broke out among a group of young ladies standing nearby, and the spell was broken. Disgusted by her lack of self-control, she did the only thing she could under the circumstances and fled.

Before she could reach the safety of the powder room, however, she caught sight of Fairford and hesitated. When had he arrived?

He was turning about as though looking for someone. Then he spotted her and, to her surprise, came over at once. “I crave your pardon for my regretful behavior at the hunt, my lady. I’m afraid I was in a foul mood that morning. I was on a borrowed mount, you see, mine having stepped in a hole on the journey there. Still, one has no excuse for ill manners, and I feel I must apologize.”

His smile was nice, or it would have been had it been genuine. His eyes were too cool, too assessing. This was a test. “I remember nothing untoward in your demeanor, my lord,” she lied prettily. “I found your company quite pleasant.”

He extended an arm and smiled back. “Will you dance with me, Lady Sabrina?”

Henry watched Sabrina flirt with Fairford and wondered who the hell had invited him. He looked to his father with suspicion, vowing to have a private word later.

His hands began to ache, and he realized they were clenched into fists. Slowly, he released them to allow the blood back in.

He stared at the couple, unable to help himself. Her act was flawless, her manner demure yet inviting. Fairford, to all appearances, seemed to be taken in by it.

But Henry knew better. Not a week prior at White’s, he’d heard the man laughingly deny any interest in trying for her. If he’d changed his mind, there had to be a reason.

He waited until Sabrina partnered with another gentleman and then approached Fairford. “I heard you tell Pendleton you weren’t interested in Sabrina Grayson.”

Fairford continued to stare into the crowd. “Upon reflection, I thought it worthwhile to reconsider.”

“I wouldn’t,” Henry said bluntly.