Then, to Henry’s further astonishment, Chadwick did the unthinkable. “Please forgive my presumption when I say that I—I hope you two come to an understanding quickly, before she does something foolish. She’s a very headstrong young woman. But then, I think you already know that,” he added awkwardly. “I wish you the best of luck.”

Henry looked him in the eye for a long moment. Perhaps the lad wasn’t as naive or foolish as he’d thought. If nothing else, he was certainly one of the most decent fellows he’d met in a long time. And courageous. Not many men would have been brave enough to face him, even to give over the field, much less offer strategic advice on how to win the battle. Most would have simply withdrawn in silence, hoping to avoid conflict.

“Thank you,” he managed, though it sounded more gruff than grateful.

Chadwick, who had begun to look exceedingly uncomfortable, acknowledged him with a relieved nod. Turning, he departed.

Lifting the latch, Henry entered his room and closed the door.

So, her plan had gone awry. What would she try next?

STUDYING HER REFLECTION with a critical eye, Sabrina carefully smoothed the pale-lemon silk of her skirts.

Speculation ran wild regarding which man she would choose. Would it be Montgomery or Chadwick? Eugenia had said that her husband had seen with his own eyes that the book at White’s had three whole pages filled with wagers on the topic.

The problem lay in that she didn’t wish to marry either of them.

She applied a light floral scent to her wrists and neck.

Her mother swept into the room. “You’d best break publicly with Chadwick, and quickly,” she advised. “It was a damned daft thing you did, Sabrina. Had his family approached me, you would have been forced to accept the offer. To be quite honest, I’m still not certain whether to be grateful or angry that he decided not to pursue the matter.”

Sabrina gave no reply. It was a moot point.

“I can’t tell you how disappointed I am in you,” continued her mother. “And I don’t care if you have rejected Henry’s offer, you will be civil this afternoon. Have I made myself clear?”

Keeping her gaze on the mirror, Sabrina made a minor adjustment to her hair. “I won’t embarrass you, Mother,” she sighed, doing her best to sound as if she meant it.

Oh, she’d go to the party, but she’d sooner be damned than play nice with Montgomery. She’d never forgive him for what he’d done. Not a night had gone by since the hunt without her waking in the dark, her whole body coiled tight with need, every part of her stricken with the sickness of longing.

The simple act of getting dressed this morning had been a torment. Every time her aching nipples had brushed against the fabric of her chemise, she was reminded of the delicious feel of his mouth on her flesh. She was beginning to doubt her own sanity. And it was all his fault.

“Embarrassment has nothing to do with it,” snapped her mother. “Your reputation is at stake, girl. If you are to obtain a husband, any husband, you’d best do it soon—before it suffers any further damage!”

It was the last straw. “Mama, wasn’t it you who told me that men once fought for your affections?”

The older woman sniffed and began picking at the lace on her sleeve. “Those duels were purely the result of idiotic male rivalry. They were not in defense of my honor. My virtue was never in question. Certainly, no one ever saw me kissing anyone until my wedding day.”

Sabrina smiled as her mother abruptly left. No one had seen her. That didn’t mean she hadn’t done it.

To her surprise, Sabrina received a warm greeting at Pembroke, Montgomery’s family home. “Thank you for your most gracious invitation, my lord,” she gushed, dipping an overly deep curtsey. She experienced a malicious sense of glee as her mother’s smile grew strained.

“We are honored to have you as our guest,” replied the Earl of Pembroke.

She couldn’t help but mark the unnerving similarity between father and son. Eyes the exact same peculiar shade of violet weighed and measured her. She knew what he must think. What they all must think.

The entire evening was spent in tense awareness of her nemesis. Montgomery was everywhere. No matter where she looked, his mocking stare met her. By the time the dancing began, her nerves were as raw as butcher’s beef and tight as a hangman’s noose.

After an uneventful hour had passed, her gut began to untangle itself. Perhaps he might not harry her tonight. After all, he wouldn’t want to risk a scandal being associated with his sister’s coming out.

As though the very thought had summoned him, she turned to see him heading straight for her. The knots returned all at once. Before he reached her, however, he stopped and offered his arm to another young lady.

A thoroughly delighted young lady.


Yelping, she spun about. “What are you doing here?” she blurted. Immediately, she regretted her words, aware of how rude she must sound.

Chadwick’s laugh was relaxed. “I was invited ages ago, before you and I even met. I considered not attending but thought it might provide an opportunity to close things properly between us.”