“Kiss me, Sabrina,” he whispered, the ache in his voice tearing at her defenses.

All at once, longing exploded across every inch of her flesh. Without thinking, she turned her face upward, shuddering with hunger as he took the offering.

All rational thought scattered like ashes in the wind as she pressed into him, the chill of the room forgotten in the presence of his life and heat. The dark velvet of his tongue worked its magic, sapping the strength from her legs. She leaned back until she rested against the wall, twining her arms about his neck and pulling him with her.

Relinquishing her lips, he bent and tugged at the ribbon holding her nightgown closed with his teeth.

Shrugging the garment down from her shoulders, she sucked in a burning breath and moaned as his mouth closed over her pebbled nipple. A damp, aching heat blossomed between her thighs.

With every swirl and flick of his tongue, she spun further out of control. When he moved to her other breast, she arched up and tightened her arms around his neck, pulling him down.

Hands still clasped behind him, he slowly stood.

Unwilling to be parted from the source of her pleasure, she clung to him as he rose and walked over to the bed. When her buttocks bumped the mattress, she froze. What am I doing? She put her feet on the floor.

Before she could move any farther, however, he dipped again and drew upon a throbbing, rose-tipped crest.

All inclination to put a stop to this madness was instantly driven from her mind. Instead, she wriggled until her nightgown fell the rest of the way to the floor.

Montgomery proceeded to anoint this newly exposed flesh with featherlight kisses, first her neck and shoulders, then the hollow between her breasts. Again he tormented a nipple until she cried out softly. Then he sank to his knees before her and kissed her navel.

She didn’t even have the time or presence of mind to be shocked when he ran his tongue along the crease between her thighs, nudging the plump mound at their juncture. Groaning aloud, she leaned back against the bed for support and sat, her liquefied knees falling apart to expose her most secret place.

He left her no time for maidenly objections.

A soft, keening cry escaped her when his hot mouth closed over her swollen flesh, as his tongue plunged between her slick folds to tease the sensitive jewel nestled within.

Poised in an arc of ecstasy, she alternately gasped and held her breath as he took her to the chasm’s edge and danced back, as each time she moved a little closer to the precipice, until at last her body clenched in a paroxysm of undiluted bliss.

Limp and dewed with sweat, she lay before him, still filled with want. She wanted more. She wanted him.

All of him.

He rose, again bracing his hands on either side of her prone body.

An odd peace settled over her. In that moment she was ready to surrender. He would take her now. And she would let him. He would enter her willing body and bring her to the heights of pleasure, and that would be the end of it. She would be his wife within the month.

But he did not. Instead, he hovered above her, watching her with his dark eyes until she squirmed with disquiet.

“Always remember that I kept my word,” he murmured. “I did not lay a hand on you, not even a finger. Not once.”

He hauled himself up just enough to brush her lips in a soft kiss.

She tasted herself on his mouth, and another pang of cruel desire stabbed her to the core. Now it comes…

He pushed off and stood. When he failed to begin removing his clothing, however, she stared at him, confused.

“You may rest assured that I will trouble you no more this night,” he said softly. “But understand that this is far from over.”

Turning, he departed. For one heart-stopping instant, he paused on the threshold, but then he moved forward and closed the door behind him.

The chill in the room crept into her bones as she lay there listening to his fading footsteps, the sweat cooling uncomfortably on her skin. Blessed darkness welcomed her tears and muffled the sounds of her rage and despair.

Henry flung himself through his chamber door, still shaking with the effort it had taken to leave her like that. He’d come so close to ruining everything just now, but had pulled back just in time. Or so he hoped.

Damn you, Aylesford.

It wasn’t fair that she compared him to her father, but there was nothing he could do about it except prove to her that he was a different sort of man. A man worthy of her heart and her trust.