The following day after Lucas left, Diana told Harrow about his offer and watched with utter confusion as he smiled and then softly chuckled. But he agreed with her that it was too soon to consider such an abrupt change. He also agreed to plan more rendezvous for them—not frequently enough to raise any dangerous suspicions, but often enough she knew people would begin to wonder about the men’s friendship. It worried her.

He waved away her concerns. “They already think we are closer than we ought to be. It won’t make a jot of difference one way or another.”

Reluctantly, she also told him of Lucas’s idea to visit her in secrecy via their garden gate.

A smile creased his face. “I’ve already had a copy of the key made for you to give to him, as well as one for the back door.”

It was several seconds before she could force her mouth, which had fallen open in shock, to form coherent speech. “I—I beg your pardon?”

“It’s ridiculous to imagine him staying away, Diana,” said her friend, frowning at her as if she were being deliberately obtuse. “He’ll be scaling the damned wall and making an enormous racket trying to get you to let him in if you don’t grant him a quieter means of access. I leave it to your discretion, of course, but unless you prefer to be the one sneaking about at night outdoors, you had better leave it to him. Then if he’s caught, it lands on his head and not yours.”

“As if I would ever do so foolish a thing as sneak about at night to meet with him!” she snapped, indignant. Her ire only increased when he gave her a sidelong look full of doubt. “I’m in love, but I’m not stupid!”

Horrified, she clapped her hands over her traitorous mouth, but it was too late. The words, formed without forethought, had already escaped. A low moan escaped from between her fingers as she met Harrow’s now smug gaze. Her hands shot back down to her sides, clenched in fists of outrage. “You planned for this to happen!”

“No, my dear,” he replied, his complacent look transforming into one of utmost sobriety. “But a good tactician always prepares for every contingency. I knew it might happen, but I could not have predicted when or with whom.”

“How can you be so calm about this?” her voice wobbled, and she knew she was dangerously close to tears. “Everything, all our plans, they are falling apart!”

Coming over to her, he gently grasped her shoulders. “Plans can be changed.”

The following day Lucas turned the key to the garden gate over in his hand, astonished beyond words. She’d sent it and another, smaller key wrapped in a parcel via one of her footmen. The note that accompanied them simply read:

Mondays and Wednesdays at the second hour.


Happiness welled up in a rush, making his skin tingle in anticipation.

Later that same day, a letter also arrived from Harrow inviting him to again join them the following Tuesday and Thursday for cards and musical entertainments, additionally informing him that his good friend Westing had also been invited.

However, Westing, he learned that evening at their club, hadn’t been as pleased to receive the invitation.

“I’m afraid I had to politely decline,” said the other man, frowning over his brandy.

Perplexed at his friend’s sudden change of demeanor, Lucas leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Why? Has he done something to offend?”

“Not exactly.” Westing looked distinctly uncomfortable. “Perhaps we ought to retire to somewhere more private to have this discussion.”

Once they were in Lucas’s carriage, it came out.

“I’m afraid Charlotte’s parents are displeased by my association with Harrow. I cannot join you without risking their disapproval and possibly the withdrawal of their permission to court their daughter.”

“Damn,” Lucas muttered. He’d not thought the stain would set in so quickly. “Tell me this does not extend to our friendship?”

“No, of course not. Although…”

A trickle of dread ran between Lucas’s shoulder blades. “Although what?”

Westing heaved a sigh. “The wager was one thing, but your deepening friendship—or whatever it is—with Harrow could become a concern.

Her family is highly adverse to anything that smacks of immorality, and they firmly believe in guilt by association.”

Snorting, Lucas eyed him. “If that’s true, then I’m surprised they saw fit to allow you anywhere near their daughter in the first place. And what do you mean ‘or whatever it is’?”

The look Westing gave him was penetrating. “Everyone knows you claimed the forfeit. They also know Harrow stayed at her house that same night. I’m sure you can guess what’s being said about that.”