Diana’s insides shook as she took the final step and joined him on the bed. He drew her close for a breath-stealing kiss that made her feel boneless, and then she found herself pressed beneath his nakedness from shoulders to toes, their legs entwined. She stroked her fingertips down his long back, squeezed his taut buttocks, then dragged her nails lightly back up his flanks to wrap her arms around his neck and hold on for dear life as he continued to kiss her senseless.

She was drowning in desire. The rigid length of him lay caught between their bodies, digging into her pelvis, thick and heavy. He shifted a little, and the pressure changed. It was no longer nudging at her middle, but sliding against the swollen, heated flesh below.

His voice at her ear was thick with passion. “Lady’s choice the first time. Tell me how you want me.”

When she failed to answer immediately, he drew back a little and peered down at her, the question in his smoke-colored eyes. “You’ve brought me such pleas

ure,” he murmured. “But I want to please you, too, you know. It’s a point of pride with me that my bedpartner should take equal enjoyment.”

Warmth blossomed in her chest. “I like the way we are now,” she whispered, feeling suddenly insecure. Would he think it too ordinary?

The smile that broke across his face was the most endearing she’d ever seen on any man. “As do I. And we’ll still have plenty of time for more adventurous games before the sun rises.” With that, he rose up on his haunches between her legs, propped her legs up to bracket his waist, and reached down between them.

She expected to feel him positioning the blunt head of his cock at her entrance, but instead felt the light caress of his fingertips bathing in her slickness, dipping in and teasing the sensitive little nub concealed within her innermost folds. Sighing, she gave herself up to the happy sensation, letting him build her back up to fever pitch.

Only when she began to wriggle her hips in mindless frustration did he stop.

Now she closed her eyes, willing herself not to tense up as he reached beneath her bottom and slid her a little closer until she felt his manhood bump against her thigh, and then as something hard, hot, and silky smooth touched her core.

The expected pain didn’t come when he leaned into the cradle between her thighs to bring his head up to her breasts and suckle first one and then the other, making her gasp as the lightning connection between nipples and core sizzled back to life. Or as he then shifted farther up and pressed his cock snugly against her slick opening.

She buried her face in the curve of his neck as he began to enter her. There was only a little discomfort as she felt him nudge against something a little way in. It didn’t exactly hurt, but it also didn’t really seem to want to easily yield.

The man above her suddenly stilled. “Diana…”

Her heart slammed against her ribcage, and panic won out. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she pulled their bodies together in one quick motion, unbalancing him so that his full weight fell against her.

The result was a sharp, burning sensation where they were joined that made her clench her teeth to keep from crying out. She prayed he would simply continue on until he found release. If he does not notice, I might not have to tell him about René, and then this whole debacle can be easily—

“George’s bollocks!” gasped the man above her, clumsily shifting up onto his elbows to peer down into her face with an expression of utter dismay. “Are you…? You were a virgin?” Scrambling back, he withdrew and looked down at himself in horror.

“I can explain—” she began, trying to inject a sense of calm in spite of the sick feeling in her stomach.

Gray eyes snapped up to meet hers, and now she saw fury slowly replace the shock as he held up his hand, on which there was a smear of blood. “Damned right, you will!” he rumbled menacingly. “Is this some sort of sick jest? Are you and your friends—or should I say ‘lovers’—having a laugh at my expense?” His face went blank for a moment before the anger returned, and along with it a new wariness. “Is this a trick? Are you—are you trying to entrap me?”

“No,” she answered glumly. “As if anyone would ever believe me still a virgin after living openly as someone’s mistress—even if it is true.” She hadn’t intended to come off that sarcastic, but it felt damned good to see him flinch back as she spat the words.

His expression went from angry to incredulous. “If it is true then—” Breaking off, he again looked down at himself, clearly trying to discern whether there really wasn’t some trickery involved.

“I assure you it most certainly is,” Diana hadn’t thought it possible for one’s ears to be this hot without melting right off the sides of their head.

“But if you were a virgin, then…” He gestured wildly around the room and then stabbed a finger at the incriminating feathers and scarves scattered across the bed. “What of all this, and the…things you did to me? How could a virgin know how to—”

“Harrow taught me—using books and drawings, obviously,” she added when his eyes widened. “Before you, no one had ever touched me. It has all been an act.”

He blinked, clearly flummoxed as he tried to process this information. Then his gaze again narrowed in suspicion. “Why did you agree to honor the forfeit when I know you had plans to start over anew once your agreement with Harrow was fulfilled? Yes, he told me all about it. As a virgin, you could have one day married.”

“I still can, if indeed the prospect of forever binding myself to any man ever appeals,” she shot back, irritated. She hadn’t thought it would end this way. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. She’d thought she could hide it or that he’d be so impassioned he wouldn’t notice or possibly even care until after he’d found his pleasure, if at all. “Diana Haversham was ruined long before now. I can move, take a new name, claim to be a widow or—”

“You idiot,” he cut in, his soft tone stunning her into silence. “You did not have to do this. Why did you do it?”

Her temper flared at the regret she saw reflected in his face. She didn’t want his sympathy! “Harrow asked me if I wanted him to offer you alternate compensation to discharge the forfeit, and I told him no. Because I wanted this. The choice was mine. I wanted to know passion before enduring what might be a lifetime without it.” Her eyes brimmed, and she swiped at them angrily. “I’m owed that much by Fate!”

They sat staring at each other in silence for several heartbeats before he spoke. “I have questions.”

“No doubt,” she said bitterly.

“Will you answer them truthfully?”