A soft huff of laughter followed her silent command, and he gave one last flick before moving to the other breast.

If the first had been a trial, this one ought to have killed her. The sounds she made as he treated it to the same torment as the other were those of an absolute savage. It was a shock to hear herself reduced to such an uncivilized level.

He didn’t seem to mind. If anything, it spurred his efforts and seemed to be wringing similarly wordless utterances from him, as well. With every tug of his hair, every moan ripped from her throat, his efforts increased. After a little while, he would leave one breast for its twin, but the relief the abandoned one felt was short-lived. This pleasurable agony continued until she felt her knees begin to weaken and the muscles in her legs begin to shake.

At which point he drew sharply on her nipple, sending an electric bolt of pure need straight down into the core of her. He released it with a soft, wet pop just as her knees buckled.

A squeak of protest escaped her as he picked her up, hauled her over to the bed, and deposited her on it sitting upright with her legs dangling over the side. Before she could even begin to imagine what he might do next, he spread her knees apart and knelt between them, putting him at eye level with her most intimate place. Mortification sent heat flooding into her face, but he gave her no time to protest before his hot mouth was on her, his tongue laving the sensitive flesh, stroking it, teasing at the folds before its searing hot tip darted between to dip into her as a butterfly sips at a flower.

She nearly shot off the bed, releasing a keening cry into the air as sensation rolled through her in a great wave of heat followed by gooseflesh that spread across the entire expanse of her skin, robbing her of breath. Where her hands had at first flown to his shoulders to push him away, they now gripped him tight, holding him to her as he subjected her to a torment ten times as acute as before.

White spots swam before her eyes. Just when she felt herself on the verge of flying apart, he slowed to languorous swirls and comforting laps against her outer folds with the flat of his tongue until she was able to slow her breathing to something that didn’t threaten to make her pass out. Soft kisses were pressed against her inner thighs, which shook as though she’d run a footrace.

When he rose, there was a look on his face unlike anything she’d ever seen. Tender, yet possessive, and oh, so dangerous, if the thundering of her heart inside its cage was any warning.

Control. You must gain the upper hand.

She refused to close her eyes, forcing herself to hold his stare as he stood, his intent clearly visible in his smoky gray eyes. His hands moved to his trousers, and he began slowly unbuttoning them. The long, thick rod of his manhood pressed against the material in front, tenting it. He’d have it out in a moment, and then she would have to make her move or simply surrender to whatever he had in mind.

Again, the stubborn part of her rose up inside. Scooting back, she made room for him on the bed and let a tiny smile curl one corner of her mouth in invitation.

His gray gaze sharpened further with pure lust, and he all but shoved his trousers down to kick them off.

Want warred with trepidation, but she wouldn’t let fear get the better of her. Focusing on his face, she avoided looking directly at the part of him that would well and truly ruin her tonight. She could see it jutting out from his body, flush and dark with blood and desire.

Her every muscle trembled, her every breath was ragged as he crawled up after her, angling his long body over her legs. She inched back a little more, a frisson of apprehension working its way up her spine at the unholy look in his eyes, a look that said he would as soon devour her in an instant as take his sweet time the way he’d been doing.

Curious, she put out her hands and braced them against his shoulders. He could easily have pressed on, but he didn’t. Lowering her lashes, she dragged one hand down a few inches, caressing his chest and collarbone. Her voice, when it came out, was deep and husky with thirst, but not for wate

r. “Your turn.”

Surprise flitted across his features but was soon replaced by a faint smirk as he retreated to sit facing her. “How do you want me?”

Fire kissed her cheeks anew at the blunt request for direction. She ignored it in favor of glancing at the bedside table. “Lie face down on the bed.”

A raven brow quirked up, but he did as he was told—an act which sent a rush of foreign excitement through her. She’d never put her knowledge to practical use. The thought of doing so now was…provocative. Crawling to the edge of the bed, she took up a pot of oil, several feathers, and three of the silk scarves.

Blackthorn’s eyes were twin pools of heat as he watched her over his shoulder while she laid these items out on the bed. “What do you intend to do to me?” he murmured, a smile in his gravelly voice.

Thankful for having calmed down a little, she tossed him a mischievous look. It wasn’t fear that had stopped her letting him go ahead and have what he so clearly wanted, but the desire to draw this out as long as possible, to gain as much pleasure as she could now, before the inevitable pain to come. “Surprise you,” she whispered, taking up one of the scarves.

When he saw she meant to blindfold him, his eyes narrowed, but he made no protest as she bound his eyes and tied the scarf securely around his head, checking to make certain he couldn’t see.

As she straightened, movement caught her eye, and she looked up to see…herself. The mirror she’d puzzled about earlier today reflected almost the entire bed, including her kneeling on it beside the prone man she’d chosen to become her first lover. A furious blush heated her face, and she looked down to help reclaim her composure.

She picked up the pot of oil she’d selected and, pouring out a little, warmed it between her palms as she shifted to straddle the backs of his thighs. It was lightly scented with sandalwood and smelled like heaven.

Unable to help herself, she peeked at the mirror again. All embarrassment fled as she gazed upon the most erotic thing she’d ever seen, replaced by exhilaration at the sight of herself, lips parted, cheeks flushed, astride this powerful man who’d made himself vulnerable for her pleasure. She stared, knowing she’d never forget that moment as it was seared into her memory.

A muffled sigh from below dragged her attention back to the man beneath her. The backside view provided by her new vantage was an impressive one, too. Blackthorn’s arse was, like the rest of him, lean and muscular. Leaning across it, she began spreading the oil across his shoulders, slowly working her way down, the heels of her hands pressing in, her fingers kneading warm, solid flesh. Her naked pelvis pressed against his rear every time she moved upward, and the sensation made her bite her lower lip.

By the time she’d covered his entire back and buttocks, she felt almost feverish. But she still wasn’t ready for the endgame quite yet. Her own desire was a sinful ache, but she was patient. This might be her only time with him, and she wanted it to be memorable in the best way.

Now that her hands had touched him, had felt the velvet-over-granite of his shoulders and back, they wanted to feel so much more. Tingling palms longed to run over his entire body. Rising up, she again moved to his side.

“Turn over onto your back,” she whispered. Again, he obeyed, sending another twinge of excitement through her. She checked to be sure his eyes remained securely covered. “Now bring your hands up beside your head.” When he’d done this, she took the two remaining scarves and used them to tie his wrists to the thick wooden pillars carved into the bed’s sturdy oaken headboard, remembering to knot them the way Harrow had shown her.

The faint smile twitching the corners of Blackthorn’s mouth told her he was enjoying this. Again, she plied his body with the scented oil, careful to avoid his more sensitive areas. Once the oil had been worked in, she selected from the little pile of feathers a long goose quill.