Determination filled him. Oh, he’d get to know his neighbor; he’d get to know her very well. He might be surprised at her apparent lack of inhibition and morality, but the attraction he felt remained undiminished. He’d sate it, if allowed, and while doing so seek his answers. There must be other women like her. He just needed to know what to look for.
Rising from his crouch, he stretched protesting muscles and pocketed the opera glasses. There would be no more spying. It wasn’t necessary anymore, now that he knew the truth. With one final glance over his shoulder at his intriguing neighbor’s house, he went back inside to attend to preparations.
Chapter Eight
Diana knew the instant their eyes met that something had changed. Blackthorn’s speculative gaze all but impaled her as he offered her a friendly greeting at their shared garden gate. She barely contained a satisfied grin. Oh, yes. He’d seen! He’d seen exactly what they’d wanted him to see.
It was a small gathering, as promised, for which she was thankful. Aside from a few curious, sidelong glances cast her way, however, there were no untoward interactions. In fact, most of her fellow guests appeared to go out of their way to be friendly toward her.
Notoriety was a kind of celebrity in itself, it seemed.
She made a point of talking to Westing, whose pleasure in her company was a balm. They spoke of many things, few of which, if asked, she’d remember thanks to Blackthorn’s rather obvious preoccupation with her. His eyes followed her everywhere.
It quickly became evident their little “show” hadn’t put him off in the least. The man must be more of a libertine than they’d imagined!
An hour after Blackthorn’s final guest had arrived, she and Westing were sitting beneath one of the oversized parasols pitched throughout the garden, chatting amiably and sharing a plate of elegant hors d’oeuvres, when their host came along with a bottle of chilled white wine to offer them a refill. The look he settled on Westing fairly sent the man scurrying, muttering something about fetching more strawberries.
Here it comes… She braced herself as Westing left them alone.
“You must be aware half of London is talking about your latest, ahem…exploit,” he began, shooting her a wry smile as he sat beside her. But the question Blackthorn asked next wasn’t at all the one she anticipated. “I wonder, have you and Harrow ever entertained a female third? I speak not of his wife, but of another,” he hastily added.
For him to come right out and ask such a thing without preamble—and he’d used the appropriate term for it, too!—was startling. So startling, in fact, that she blurted out her answer without first thinking. “No.” Taking a hasty gulp of wine, she forced herself to address him calmly. “Why do you ask?”
His steady gray eyes held her as he again managed to stun her. “I suppose you would become jealous if he required you to share him with another woman.”
Oh good Lord. Think, Diana! “I had not even considered that possibility. After all, do I not already share him with his wife?”
“Yes, but not in a carnal sense.”
What a conversation to be having at a picnic in broad daylight with a dozen other people wandering about! “Indeed, you are correct.” Think, think! “I suppose I’m fortunate his affections are so restricted.”
“Then, the addition of another bedpartner is for your benefit rather than his?”
The trap’s jaws closed with a snap, and Diana felt her face flush in an involuntary response so strong she hadn’t any hope of concealing it. “My, but your curiosity is of the insatiable variety,” she said, giving him an embarrassed little laugh to cover her panic. His eyes narrowed at her use of the word “insatiable,” and she mentally kicked herself. Fine. If he wanted details, she’d give him ruddy details!
Bracing herself with another sip of wine, she forced a light tone. “The addition of another companion is for our mutual benefit. It enhances his enjoyment to watch as another brings me pleasure. Then, when he feels the moment is right, he joins us.” She forced a cat-that-ate-the-cream smile onto her lips. “I can hardly complain, for we choose our companions well, and I reap the lion’s share of the rewards in the arrangement.”
The expression that crossed his face was one of grudging admiration, which confused her. She’d expected shock or disgust at the implications of her revelation. Danger warnings sparked in the back of her mind. Time to turn the tide. “Why do you ask such questions? Are you contemplating a similar arrangement with your own mistress?”
His scrutiny was unwavering. “Not exactly. I don’t think I’m the sort to find enjoyment in sharing my bedpartner.”
“Quite understandable,” she said in a blasé tone, reaching for another berry. “Few men have the confidence to suffer the presence of another male while in so vulnerable a state. It’s all too easy to begin making comparisons, which invariably spoils it for everyone.” She popped the berry into her mouth and watched as the barb sank in. Maybe now he’d leave off the subject and find something else to discuss. Or, better yet, go away.
But again, he surprised her. “Comparison does tend to rob one of joy in all circumstances. I can certainly see why it would be intolerable in the bedchamber. My hesitancy to share has nothing to do with comparisons, however. I simply don’t relish the idea of divided attention.”
“You mean, of course, divided from yourself.”
“I mean I prefer to devote my efforts wholly toward pleasing one person, with reciprocation in kind.” With that he, too, reached for a berry. Holding it between his teeth, he smiled briefly before sucking it into his mouth with a pop.
Another flush rose in her cheeks, and she found herself laughing softly at how awry things had gone.
Surprisingly, this reaction seemed to offend him. “Has no man ever devoted himself solely to your pleasure without any thought to his own?”
It sobered her instantly. “As I said, I can hardly complain.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“That’s the answer I choose to give,” she said, showing him a hint of steel.