A low groan issued from Will’s throat, followed by a chuckle. “Careful, unless you wish to bring our pleasure to a premature end.”

Our pleasure. Not just his own. “What would you have me do?”

His blue eyes twinkled. “For now? Be still.” Levering himself up, he stood and unbuttoned his breeches.

For one terrifying moment, Jacqueline worried the sight of his member might repulse her and ruin everything. But she experienced neither apprehension nor revulsion as his eager manhood sprang free to jut proudly from his body. Instead, lust cast its cloak over her, making her limbs feel languorous and heavy.

Kicking his shoes off and his breeches away, Will bent and peeled the stockings from his strong calves and feet. When he stood, her eyes devoured his long, lithe form. She’d imagined what he might look like unclothed, and her imagination hadn’t been far off the mark. Lean muscle rippled along his limbs and torso.

He’s beautiful, scars and all.

Even as she thought it, she realized he was looking at her with the same sentiment shining in his eyes. A flush stung her cheeks. Yet his desire—which remained evident—didn’t wane on seeing the ruin of her flesh. Unlike the monster she’d known before, she could tell Will took no pleasure in her scars. He simply saw past them.

Parting her knees, she invited him to cradle himself between her thighs.

He accepted the summons, and Jacqueline suppressed a groan as the hot length of him rubbed against her swollen flesh, parting her slick folds. Skimming her palms over his shoulders, she reveled in the hardness of muscle and bone, in the supple textures beneath her fingers. “I’m yours, Will. Now and forever,” she whispered against his neck. Digging her fingers into his flesh, she silently urged him to claim her.

In answer, he withdrew. She had only a moment to be confused, however, for in the next instant, he lay down beside her. Her excitement rose to a new level as his intent became clear. “You are certain?”

His answer was to grasp her about the waist and lift.

Shifting on her knees, she maneuvered to straddle him. Being atop a man was an entirely new sensation. Looking down on him imparted a heady feeling of power. He was vulnerable. She was the one in control.

Pressed against her mons, his member jerked and strained. She grasped his thickness and stroked its silky-smooth head with her thumb, watching in fascination as a clear, viscous pearl formed at its tip. Swirling the pad of her thumb across it in small circles elicited an agonized groan from the man beneath her.

Lust pounded through her veins, demanding satisfaction. Shifting back and rising to her knees, she impaled herself upon him. The slow penetration of her throbbing core as she sheathed his rock hard flesh was sheer bliss.

His hips thrust upward, and the gentle jolt of impact as he bottomed sent a burst of intense pleasure rocketing through her. The sensation was so exquisite that she couldn’t help gasping aloud. Eager to experience it again, she rose up, withdrawing almost completely, and was gratified to hear his soft moan join hers as she slid back down to seat herself firmly against him.

Finding a rhythm that seemed to satisfy them both, Jacqueline rode him. Her every downward thrust was met, her every soft exclamation echoed by him, and she found herself delighting in his pleasure as much as her own.

Tension mounted as their breaths came fast and ragged, until she was sure she’d shatter into a thousand pieces if something didn’t happen soon. Then, it reached its zenith and the cord snapped, plunging her into a maelstrom of ecstasy. Closing her eyes, she let go and let the tide carry her into the depths.

With a powerful upward surge, Will clasped her hips and drove into her. A hard tremor shook him, and he pulled her down to bury his face in the fall of her hair. Deep in the place where their bodies were joined, Jacqueline felt his shaft swell to granite hardness an instant before sudden heat blossomed. His release triggered another, even more intense wave of pleasure. Throwing back her head, she gave herself up to it wholly.

Before the sensation could subside, Will shifted, pulling her into his chest and rolling until she lay beneath him. She didn’t mind in the least, and told him so by clasping his waist with her knees as he thrust into her a few more times, shuddered, and then collapsed.

As the fullness of his weight settled against her, pressing her into the mattress, Jacqueline reveled in the sound of his gasping, uneven breaths and in the feel of his galloping heartbeat against her breasts. A sense of euphoria swept over her as she held him close, tangling her fingers in his damp hair.

For the longest time she’d thought herself forever destined to be alone. Now, everything had changed.

Will lay beside Jacqueline, saturated by a feeling of deep satisfaction. She’s mine.

“Tell me what you see when you think of the future,” she murmured.

“I see us together, ridiculously happy.”

Raising herself up on one elbow, she peered down at him. “And will you stay here and remain a teacher or go back to being a constable?”

A worm of disquiet wriggled in his conscience. “I’m uncertain,” he told her honestly. “I love being a constable,” he admitted. But if her past ever came to light… He doubted Gonson would be happy to see one of his Boys married to a former courtesan—especially one who’d killed a man, however justifiable the act had been. It wouldn’t reflect well on him or help further his goal of establishing a legitimate policing force in London. “My work is important.”

“Well, there is an opening in our district.”

She means Birdsley. Though sad that it had come about under such circumstances, he couldn’t help feeling a little hopeful at the prospect of taking the man’s place. He’d have to resign as one of the Boys, but he’d still be helping enforce law and order in his city. “I’ll certainly consider it. But let us wait a while before deciding our course.”

“Why did you become a constable?”