Page 92 of Indulgent Pleasures

They hadn’t spotted him but they’d spotted Stephanie showing up about an hour after they’d arrived. A stretch limo had stopped in front of the hotel, depositing her and her luggage at the front steps and she’d been ushered right into the hotel, treated like royalty, no doubt by the demands of Justin.

Unbelievable. A little flare of jealousy lit within Zoe. So long ago she’d been after him, had tried her hardest to get into bed with him, give him a blow job, something to show her devotion like the pitiful little groupie she’d been. And he’d turned her down every single time.

It had hurt back then. Still stung a little bit now. Old pains died hard.

“These are great. You got some good shots,” Zoe finally said, handing Caleb back the camera.

“I know. They’re going to make the article that much better. Trust me those photos are going to draw a lot of attention.” He smiled, looking just like an eager child about to open all of his presents on Christmas morning. He even rubbed his hands together. “Stephanie is going to be in for a rude awakening.”

“What are you talking about?” Yes, Zoe figured Stephanie would be a little upset at their breaking her trust and revealing she was the one who wrote the sexy articles but she understood, she was a part of their journalism family.

Would Justin be upset? Probably, but if he really cared about Stephanie, which it seemed he did, they should be able to work things out.

Then again, maybe they wouldn’t be able to work things out. Maybe he would be angry at Stephanie for blabbing their intimate relationship for all of the Bay Area—hell all of the world to read.

Oh, well. Zoe couldn’t be bothered with all of that. She had a major breaking story to put together, something that was going to no doubt further her career. Whether it upset Stephanie or not was really of no concern.

“Don’t you see, Zoe? What we’re about to do is going to make Stephanie look like a pariah. Writing and sharing the most intimate details of her sexual life with a well-known and very private celebrity and then getting caught doing it? Very scandalous. She’s going to end up looking like a royal bitch who loves to brag.” Caleb smiled, looking quite pleased with those potential results.

“Do you think it’s going to ruin her relationship with Justin?” Zoe nibbled on her lower lip, waiting for his answer.

“Probably. Though I doubt they have too serious of a relationship. I mean come on. He can get any piece of ass he wants. Why would he want to stay with one woman long-term? Especially a woman like Stephanie.” Caleb sneered.

“What do you mean, a woman like Stephanie? What’s wrong with her?” Well, she kind of felt the same way when Justin could have a woman like her but she wanted to hear Caleb’s explanation.

Caleb shrugged. “She’s really nothing special. She’s cute, she dresses sorta funky if you’re into that thing. But she’s kind of heavy.”

Zoe was rail thin and drank green tea by the gallons to stay that way. She rarely ate. Stephanie was like an elephant compared to her. “She’s curvy,” Zoe finally said, not wanting to totally dis her.

“Yeah, I guess so. If he’s into that sort of thing, then yeah, that’s great. But come on, Zoe. If he wasn’t planning on dumping her any time soon, then this upcoming article will give him the incentive to get rid of her now. And trust me he was always planning on dumping her. We just helped usher it along, so to speak.”

When Caleb explained it like that, Zoe didn’t feel so bad. They weren’t necessarily doing a bad thing, not really. Anyone would do the same if they were in their shoes.

She couldn’t allow herself to feel guilty. Besides, she would say it was all Caleb’s idea if it backfired. That’s how she always operated. It was all about the fall guy. And in this situation, Caleb was definitely her fall guy.

“Poor Stephanie. She’s going to get her heart broken no matter what happens.” Zoe shook her head.

“She’ll be fine. Maybe this will give her career a little boost too, give her some better opportunities.”

Zoe knew deep down Caleb was just saying that to ease her guilt and it worked. The man knew how to work her, whether it was her brain or her body.

Speaking of working her body, she caught the simmering look he just shot her and instantly lust flowed through her. It made her pussy aching wet and her nipples hard as little rocks.

“We should head back to the hotel.” Zoe’s hand rested on his thigh, sliding up to brush her knuckles against the fly of his pants. “Celebrate what happened tonight. What we got.”

“Great idea.” He rested his hand over hers, thrusting his hardening cock against her palm. “Maybe we can try out what I bought you.”

Zoe frowned. She’d been so thrilled when he gave her a present and presented it to her at the hotel. She hadn’t been so thrilled when she’d opened the box.

Lying inside, surrounded by a cloud of delicate pink tissue had been a pair of nipple clamps. Talk about unromantic. Yes, yes, it was a sexy gift and all that crap but she didn’t want a sexy gift. She wanted something meaningful and romantic from this man she was starting to care for.

Instead he’d given her nipple clamps that looked like they’d hurt like the dickens. She didn’t even want to try them out. Her nipples were too damn sensitive anyway. It would probably feel as if they were about to fall off if she had those things clamped to them, pinching her, hurting her.

Not a pleasant thought.

“If you want to try out the gift, then yes, let’s do it.” She was such a sport, such a pleaser. She acted all tough and in command at work but when it came to men, she was never tough.

She was weak, always ready to do what they wanted, no matter what. And she tried so hard.